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Family Process Heft 3/2007
1/2007 - 2/2007 - 3/2007 - 4/2007 - Überblick
Imber-Black, Evan (2007): Celebrating Peggy Papp and Olga Silverstein. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 271-277
abstract: Editor's Note: On May 18, 2007, the Ackerman Institute for the Family and the Hunter School of Social Work held a historic conference in honor of the multidecade contributions to family therapy theory and practice of Peggy Papp and Olga Silverstein.1 As chair of this notable event, I opened the conference with a retrospective of the work of Papp and Silverstein, placing their ideas in the larger context of our field. My remarks follow.
Shapiro, Margaret (2007): Money: A Therapeutic Tool for Couples Therapy. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 279-291
abstract: This article addresses the therapeutic importance of discussing money at every stage of a couple's relationship, both as a concrete reality and as a metaphor for security, adequacy, competence, commitment, acceptance, and acknowledgment in a relationship. I will present a developmental schema looking at financial issues that couples confront at various stages in the adult life cycle and how these affect and reflect relationship problems. The article also presents a money questionnaire as a useful tool for exploring family-of-origin financial history, affect, and behavior.
Stanley, Scott M. & Lindsey A. Einhorn (2007): Hitting Pay Dirt: Comment on "Money: A Therapeutic Tool for Couples Therapy. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 293-299
Wright, John, Stephane Sabourin, Josianne Mondor, Pierre Mcduff & Salima Mamodhoussen (2007): The Clinical Representativeness of Couple Therapy Outcome Research. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 301-316
abstract: The clinical representativeness of outcome studies is defined as the generalizability of recruitment processes, assessment/diagnostic procedures, treatment protocols, and therapeutic results from research settings to naturalistic treatment settings. The main goal of the present study was to examine the clinical representativeness of couple therapy in outcome studies. The data set was formed by 50 published clinical trials, including 34 couple therapy outcome studies for marital distress (CTMD) and 16 couple therapy outcome studies for comorbid relational and mental disorders (CTMD+C). The present findings showed that, overall, the clinical representativeness of couple therapy outcome studies is only fair (i.e., the mean global score is slightly lower than the midpoint of the rating scale used to assess representativeness). CTMD+C studies fared better than CTMD studies on many dimensions of clinical relevance. Studies in which pretherapy training was less intensive (for CTMD studies only), treatment was less structured, and therapists were more experienced showed larger effect sizes than those in which such was not the case.
Stein, Judith A., Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus & Patricia Lester (2007): Impact of Parentification on Long-Term Outcomes Among Children of Parents With HIV/AIDS. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 317-333
abstract: Stein, Riedel, and Rotheram-Borus reported in 1999 that early parentification predicted maladaptive outcomes of more emotional distress, substance use, and conduct problems among adolescents of parents with HIV/AIDS (PWH) 6 months later. The current study assessed the adolescents (N=213) 6 years later to assess whether there were continuing negative effects of parentification, or, rather, if there were some positive outcomes. Although the premature assumption of parental roles had negative effects in the short term, we hypothesized that such skills may have been adaptive in the long run, especially in the case of adolescents with major stressors in their lives, including dying or ill parents, impoverished environments, and family instability. We found that early parentification predicted better adaptive coping skills and less alcohol and tobacco use 6 years later. In addition, early parentification was not associated with later emotional distress and dysfunctional parenting attitudes, including expecting role reversals in their own children.
Werner-Lin, Allison V. (2007): Danger Zones: Risk Perceptions of Young Women From Families With Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 335-349
abstract: Genetic testing for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) is predictive, not prophetic. Families frequently rely on multigenerational stories to make sense of the inherent ambiguity as they face medical decisions and navigate life's journeys. This study asks young women with elevated genetic risk how family histories with cancer and experiences with health professionals inform their beliefs about risk and susceptibility to HBOC. Twenty-two women aged 22-36 who carry a BRCA mutation completed illness genograms and open-ended interviews. Transcripts were analyzed using a narrative tool that emphasizes the use of voice to highlight key relationships and meaning structures. Findings reveal that beliefs about risk are more firmly grounded in family experiences with cancer than in biomedical research. Pervasive meanings included (1) the presence of "danger zones," specific ages at which cancer risk was believed to increase dramatically, and (2) the experience of "the wait and the worry," in which participants felt increased urgency to achieve family development goals (i.e., child bearing) and limited control over environmental factors influencing when these goals could be met (i.e., meeting a life partner). A clinical case example and research implications are discussed.
Landau, Judith (2007): Enhancing Resilience: Families and Communities as Agents for Change. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 351-365
abstract: In this article, the Linking Human Systems (LINC) Community Resilience model, a theoretical framework for initiating and sustaining change in communities that have undergone rapid and untimely transition or loss, is presented. The model assumes that individuals, families, and communities are inherently competent and resilient, and that with appropriate support and encouragement, they can access individual and collective strengths that will allow them to transcend their loss. This competence can be nurtured by helping people regain a sense of connectedness with one another; with those who came before them; with their daily patterns, rituals, and stories that impart spiritual meaning; and with tangible resources within their community. Rather than imposing artificial support infrastructures, LINC interventions engage respected community members to act as natural agents for change. These "community links" provide a bridge between outside professionals, families, and communities, particularly in circumstances in which outside intervention may not be welcomed. The article illustrates how LINC interventions successfully have been used in communities around the world.
Tuttle, Amy Rose, Carmen Knudson-Martin, Susan Levin, Brent Taylor & Jennifer Andrews (2007): Parents' Experiences in Child Protective Services: Analysis of a Dialogical Group Process. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 367-380
abstract: The authors qualitatively examine parent experiences in groups for persons seeking parental rights through Child Protective Services (CPS). The study focuses on 16 custody-seeking parent figures who participated in dialogical groups designed from a Collaborative Language Systems perspective. The grounded-theory analysis shows that parents initially described overwhelming emotions and conflictual relationships with CPS. It also identifies five therapeutic group processes that appeared to influence perceptions of hope and personal power and contribute to how parents position themselves relative to CPS: validation, sharing practical information and networking, highlighting strengths and resources, supportive confrontation, and sharing stories of change. The analysis provides insight into CPS parents' experiences, suggests that dialogical approaches may have potential to assist in reshaping experiences in CPS, and draws attention to the need for interventions at the structural and administrative levels.
Ben-Ari, Adital & Yoav Lavee (2007): The Effect of Security-Related Stress on Dyadic Closeness Among Jews and Arabs in Israel: A Daily Diary Study. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 381-393
abstract: An important aspect of Israeli life is its continuous state of conflict with the neighboring Palestinian people and Arab countries. Given that security-related stress is so intensely experienced by all Israeli residents, we examined the effects of daily fluctuations in security-related stress on dyadic closeness among Jewish and Arab couples. Time sampling approach was used to study repeated sequences of associations between stress and dyadic closeness. Data were collected from 188 Jewish and 93 Arab couples by means of daily diaries. Hierarchical multivariate linear modeling was used to analyze the data. The findings indicate that stress results in increasing distance between intimate partners, but the effect varies with the level of marital quality and socioethnic affiliation.
DeKoven Fishbane, Mona (2007): Wired to Connect: Neuroscience, Relationships, and Therapy. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 395-412
Michuchin, Salvador (2007): Jay Haley: My Teacher. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 413-414
Wendel, Ray A. (2007): In Homage to Paul Watzlawick. In: Family Process 46(3), S. 415-417