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systemagazin Zeitschriftenarchiv: Journal of Family Therapy Heft 3/2010
1/2010 - 2/2010 - 3/2010 - 4/2010 - Übersicht
Rivett, Mark (2010): Fears and uncertainties. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (3): S. 207-209
Cahill, Paul, Ken O‘Reilly, Alan Carr, Barbara Dooley & Peter Stratton (2010): Validation of a 28-item version of the Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation in an Irish context: the SCORE-28. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (3): S. 210-231.
abstract: This article describes the development, in an Irish context, of a three-factor, twenty-eight-item version of the Systemic Clinical Outcome and Routine Evaluation (SCORE) questionnaire for assessing progress in family therapy. The forty- item version of the SCORE was administered to over 700 Irish participants including non-clinical adolescents and young adults, families attending family therapy, and parents of young people with physical and intellectual disabilities and cystic fibrosis. For validation purposes, data were also collected using brief measures of family and personal adjustment. A twenty-eight-item version of the SCORE (the SCORE-28) containing three factor scales that assess family strengths, difficulties and communication was identified through exploratory principal components analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor structure of the SCORE-28 was stable. The SCORE-28 and its three factor scales were shown to have excellent internal consistency reliability, satisfactory test-retest reliability and construct validity. The SCORE-28 scales correlated highly with the General Functioning Scale of the Family Assessment Device, and moderately with the Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale, the Kansas Marital and Parenting Satisfaction Scales, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Mental Health Inventory - 5, and the total problems scale of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Correlational analyses also showed that the SCORE-28 scales were not strongly associated with demographic characteristics or social desirability response set. The SCORE-28 may routinely be administered to literate family members aged over 12 years before and after family therapy to evaluate therapy outcome.
Stratton, Peter, Julia Bland, Emma Janes & Judith Lask (2010): Developing an indicator of family function and a practicable outcome measure for systemic family and couple therapy: the SCORE. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (3): S. 232-258.
abstract: There is a need for a measure of outcome in systemic family and couples therapy (SFCT) that reflects current theory and practice. To meet the needs of SFCT practice the measure needs to use self-report by family members, take a short time to complete and be easy to understand. The development of such a measure, called the SCORE, is reported in this article. Substantial piloting, consultation and review in terms of clinical judgement led to the construction of the SCORE 40 which has forty items about how the family functions, rated by family members over 11 years of age on a Likert scale, in addition to independent ratings of the family and its difficulties. The SCORE 40 is shown to be a viable instrument but is too substantial for everyday clinical use. In a research project to reduce and refine the measure and determine its psychometric properties the SCORE 40 was administered to 510 members of 228 families at the start of their first appointment for family therapy at clinics throughout the UK. The scale has good psychometric properties and could operate with either three or four dimensions. The analyses of these data, combined with data from a convenience sample of 126 non-clinical families, allowed a reduction to fifteen items while retaining most of the information provided by the SCORE 40. This version is offered with three dimensions of: (1) Strengths and adaptability; (2) Overwhelmed by difficulties; and (3) Disrupted communication. It is hoped that the ready availability of the SCORE 15 will encourage routine evaluation of outcomes in clinics as well as the SCORE being used flexibly for both therapy and research.
De Mol, Jan, Ann Buysse & William L. Cook (2010): A family assessment based on the Social Relations Model. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (3): S. 259-279.
abstract: One purpose of family assessment is to formulate hypotheses that can guide clinical interventions. Family assessment is based on models about family functioning. In this paper the Social Relations Model (Kenny and La Voie, 1984; SRM) is presented as such a model about family dynamics. Moreover, SRM provides statistical tools to underpin empirical hypotheses about family functioning. An SRM family assessment of a family with a child in child psychiatric care exemplifies the possibilities and limitations of this SRM approach to family assessment. The subject of the family assessment is family members‘ sense of influence in their family relationships.
Brown, Jac, Kerrie James & Alan Taylor (2010): Caught in the rejection - abuse cycle: are we really treating perpetrators of domestic abuse effectively? In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (3): S. 280-307.
abstract: This article proposes that some perpetrators of domestic violence respond to their partners‘ apparent rejection of them with abusive behaviour, and that there exists a cycle of rejection and abuse. The model posits that some men, having experienced rejection within their families of origin or in relation to past partners, become sensitive to potential rejection in their current relationships. The cycle for rejection-sensitive men consists of an event that constitutes a threat to self, leading to a defence against this threat which in turn results in psychological or physical abuse. This model was tested on sixty-six male participants of perpetrator group programmes who completed a survey designed to measure each point in the proposed model through path analysis. There was support for the following model: rejection, threat to self-defence against threat, abuse. Other paths were tested, but were not significant. These results are discussed in terms of the implications for treating perpetrators.
Simon, Gail (2010): Self-supervision, surveillance and transgression. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (3): S. 308-325.
abstract: Transgression is not only an inevitable part of systemic supervision but is also necessary if we are to work towards innovative and inclusive supervisory and therapeutic practice. Defying culturally generated ‚rules‘ of systemic practice can allow for more relevant and productive ways of talking. Systemic practitioners are increasingly finding themselves trying to practice systemic therapy in employing authorities and training courses which are dominated by inflexible professional narratives and manualised procedures. Our profession is committed to ethical inner and outer dialogue, to self- and relational reflexivity as distinct from the rule-bound surveillance culture in which we live and work. Systemic supervisors and therapists may find themselves at odds with monological institutional discourse and attempts from within our own profession to manualise practice. I introduce examples from supervisory conversations to illustrate how supervisors can develop more culturally sensitive practices through supporting practitioners to hear and have heard their own marginalised and oppressed voices and those of their clients.
Bond, Sharon (2010): A metaphoric evaluation: students‘ self-appraisal at the end of the course year. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (3): S. 326-329.
abstract: This article focuses on an exercise to facilitate students‘ self-evaluation at the end of a course year. It describes an externalizing technique using objects as metaphors. Although developed in the context of a foundation level course, it is equally relevant for evaluating learning at any stage.
Hopkins, Clare, Alex Reed, Julie MacKenzie & Mair Thomas (2010): ‚Tell us what we need to know to do this!‘ Preparing a path to safe uncertainty in assignment writing on a family therapy foundation course. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (3): S. 330-333.
abstract: This article describes a single session aimed at helping participants on a family therapy foundation course to move from a position of anxiety and discomfort about completing a written assignment to a position of safe uncertainty. Evaluation from the perspectives of course participants, course facilitators and assignment markers has shown participants engaging more enthusiastically with the writing of the assignment and expressing less anxiety about the process.
Tseliou, Eleftheria (2010): From feedback to reflexivity: inspirations by a ‚polyphonic dialogue‘ methodology in trainees‘ evaluation. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (3): S. 334-337.
abstract: This article discusses a method of using elements of Jaakko Seikkula‘s ‚polyphonic dialogue‘ approach in the context of trainee evaluation at a four-year course in systemic family therapy. The method attempts to shift the emphasis from feedback and ‚monologue‘ to reflexivity, dialogue and polyphony, thus aiming at promoting reflexive, dialogic and collaborative practices in training. |