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Journ. of Fam.Ther.
Family Process
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systemagazin Zeitschriftenarchiv: Journal of Family Therapy Heft 2/2010
1/2010 - 2/2010  - 3/2010 - 4/2010 - Übersicht

Rivett, Mark (2010): Family therapy and family therapists: ambiguous and ambivalent relationships. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (2): S. 91-93

Knerr, Michael & Suzanne Bartle-Haring (2010): Differentiation, perceived stress and therapeutic alliance as key factors in the early stage of couple therapy. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (2): S. 94-118.

abstract: A sample of 168 couples were assessed at intake and over the first six sessions of treatment providing the opportunity to investigate not only the impact of client and common factors on initial levels of satisfaction, but also trajectories of change in satisfaction over time. The study used multi-level modelling to examine changes in relationship satisfaction for both partners, thus enabling the couple to be maintained as the unit of analysis. We first examined changes in satisfaction and, having discovered differences there, we then investigated the impact of client factors of differentiation and stress in explaining these differences in relationship satisfaction. Finally we explored the additional influence of the common factor, therapeutic alliance, while controlling for the client factors, on relationship satisfaction.

Tilden, Terje, Tore Gude, Asle Hoffart & Harold Sexton (2010): Individual distress and dyadic adjustment over a three-year follow-up period in couple therapy: a bi-directional relationship? In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (2): S. 119-141.

abstract: This study examined the relationship between depressive symptoms and dyadic adjustment, as well as between interpersonal problems and dyadic adjustment, during residential couple therapy and at a three-year follow-up (N=106). Mixed models were used in the analyses. Significant improvement (p<.001) occurred on all measures from admission to discharge (effect sizes.27 -.83) and from admission to three-year follow-up (effect sizes.52 -.79). During the observation period, improvement in depressive symptoms at the first time point predicted improvement in dyadic adjustment at the subsequent time point. Furthermore, the dyadic adjustment level at discharge predicted improvement in depressive symptoms in the follow-up period. There were only modest associations between personality variables and dyadic adjustment. The clinical implication is that in couples suffering from co-existing relational and symptomatic distress, couple therapy should include the aim of lowering depressive symptoms.

Clulow, Christopher & Miriam Donaghy (2010): Developing the couple perspective in parenting support: evaluation of a service initiative for vulnerable families. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (2): S. 142-168.

abstract: The importance of the relationship between parents is frequently underestimated by those designing and developing services to support parents in bringing up their children. Instead, the primary focus of recent family support initiatives in the United Kingdom has been on improving parenting skills. This article describes the outcomes of a project designed to maximize the effectiveness of parenting support to vulnerable families through sensitizing the workforce of a community-based adult mental health agency to take account of the parental couple in providing postnatal support groups, parenting workshops and relationship counselling. Evaluating outcomes from these services suggests that a couple orientation adds significant value to the effectiveness of parenting support.

Hill, E. Wayne (2010): Discovering forgiveness through empathy: implications for couple and family therapy. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (2): S. 169-185.

abstract: This article explores the concept of forgiveness in the context of couple and family therapy. Forgiveness is described as a complex psychological and relational process that is more a discovery via understanding and empathy than an act of will. Empathy is related to emotional intelligence, and the developmental and relational benefits of both are discussed. A rationale for viewing forgiveness in a contextual (family of origin), historical and relational attachment paradigm is offered. Relevant clinical cases illustrate the process of forgiveness as discovery in the context of an empathic relational environment where ambivalence is anticipated and respected.

Yeates, Giles N., Michael Luckie, Beer De, Zach & Parmjit Khela (2010): Elucidating the psychosocial context of ‚post-concussion syndrome‘ (PCS): a case study from post-Milan systemic family therapy. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (2): S. 186-202.

abstract: The literature on post-concussion syndrome (PCS) following mild head injury includes biopsychosocial formulations. However, it is contended that the complexities of the psychosocial remain conceptually underdeveloped. An engagement with this complexity is presented via a case study from post-Milan systemic family therapy. The work described is with grandparents, a mother and daughter. The latter two both initially experienced PCS following a road traffic accident, yet demonstrated contrasting outcomes in the year post-injury. Implications for family therapy services and the wider literature are discussed.

Pocock, David (2010): Review: Family Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques. By Mark Rivett and Eddy Street. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (2): S. 203-204

Davey, Angie (2010): Review: Systemic Therapy and Attachment Narratives: Applications in a Range of Clinical Settings. By Rudi Dallos and Arlene Vetere. In: Journal of Family Therapy 32 (2): S. 204-206

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