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systemagazin Zeitschriftenarchiv: Journal of Family Therapy Heft 1/2008
1/2008 - 2/2008 - 3/2008 - 4/2008 - Übersicht
Eisler, Ivan (2008): Strengthening the Voice of Family Therapy. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 1-4
Lloyd, Helen & Rudi Dallos (2008): First session solution-focused brief therapy with families who have a child with severe intellectual disabilities: mothers' experiences and views. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 5-28
abstract: This exploratory paper aimed to shed light on the experience of first session solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) for families who have a child with intellectual disabilities (ID). The therapist interviewed the participants, all mothers, two weeks after their initial session. The Helpful Aspects of Therapy Questionnaire (Llewelyn, 1988) was used with structured recall (Elliot and Shapiro, 1988), a procedure in which participants listen to excerpts from their therapeutic sessions identified by them as helpful or unhelpful. Interview transcripts were analysed by the therapist using interpretive phenomenological analysis (Smith, 2003). Three superordinate themes emerged from the interviews: (1) SFBT brought to mind the idea of "making the best of it". (2) Examination of wishful thinking. (3) Therapeutic relationship. In addition, self-efficacy recurred as a sub-theme throughout. The "miracle question" was perceived as irrelevant by the mothers and was the most frequently cited unhelpful event. It also seemed to be associated with shifts in wishful thinking. These mothers' experiences suggest that SFBT is a useful structure for first sessions particularly as it seems to build a useful therapeutic relationship, highlights self-efficacy and may encourage helpful coping styles.
Milner, Judith & Thelma Singleton (2008): Domestic violence: solution-focused practice with men and women who are violent. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 29-53
abstract: This article reviews the progress of sixty-eight adults (fifty-two men and sixteen women) on a solution-focused programme aimed at reducing domestic violence. The practice principles are described, using examples of participants' experiences. The outcomes over a three-and-a-half-year period are presented and difficulties in assessing effectiveness of outcomes are discussed.
Rivett, Mark (2008): Chapters in a book: putting solution-focused practice into context. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 54-59
Morrissette, Patrick J. (2008): Clinical engagement of Canadian First Nations couples. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 60-77
abstract: Although intervention with Canadian First Nations (FN) clients has been discussed in the literature, the area of couple therapy remains unexplored. Moreover, the specific process of engaging couples in treatment by non-FN therapists has not been examined. To address this critical aspect of couple treatment, this exploratory paper elaborates on significant factors that influence the engagement process and discusses (1) residual effects of the residential school era, (2) contemporary sociopolitical issues endured by FN peoples, and (3) sensitivity regarding cultural imperatives, beliefs and practices. Finally, to promote effective engagement with FN couples several suggestions and corresponding case vignettes are provided.
Lowyck, Benedicte, Patrick Luyten, Koen Demyttenaere & Jozef Corveleyn (2008): The role of romantic attachment and self-criticism and dependency for the relationship satisfaction of community adults. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 78-95
abstract: This article aims to investigate the role of romantic attachment versus the personality dimensions related to self-definition and relatedness for relationship satisfaction. Self-report instruments measuring romantic attachment, self-criticism and dependency, severity of depression, negative life events and relationship satisfaction were administrated to 266 community adults. As expected, results showed that secure romantic attachment was positively and insecure romantic attachment was negatively associated with relationship satisfaction, and this was the case even when controlling for self-criticism and dependency, severity of depression and negative life events. Implications of these findings for couple therapy are discussed.
Rhodes, Paul, Andrew Baillee, Jac Brown & Sloane Madden (2008): Can parent-to-parent consultation improve the effectiveness of the Maudsley model of family-based treatment for anorexia nervosa? A randomized control trial. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 96-108
abstract: This paper describes a preliminary randomized control trial that explores the use of parent-to-parent consultations as a potential augmentation to the Maudsley model of family-based treatment for anorexia. Method: Twenty families were randomized into two groups, ten receiving standard treatment and ten receiving an additional parent-to-parent consultation early on in treatment. Measures of parental efficacy (Parents versus Anorexia Scale), patient distress (Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale) and percentage ideal body weight were taken each week. The effects of parent-to-parent consultations on parental efficacy and weight were analysed by comparing data with random effects models. Results: A significant treatment effect was found, with parent-to-parent consultations leading to a small increase in the rate of weight restoration. Conclusion: This practice has the potential to enhance weight restoration when included in the Maudsley model of family-based treatment for anorexia nervosa. Research that tests more potent forms of intervention may also have merit.
Edge, Jacquie (2008): The Amazing Infant by Tiffany Field. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 109-110
Jackson, Glyn (2008): Creating New Families, Therapeutic Approaches To Fostering, Adoption, and Kinship Care by Jenny Kenrick, Caroline Lindsey and Lorraine Tollemache (eds). In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 110-111
Moss, Duncan (2008): My Father Before Me. How Fathers and Sons Influence Each Other Throughout Their Lives by Michael, J. Diamond. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 111-113
Adams, Angel (2008): ADHD Grown Up. A Guide to Adolescent and Adult ADHD by Joel Young. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 113-115
Lloyd, Helen (2008): More Than Miracles: The State of the Art of Solution-focused Brief Therapy by Steve de Shazer and Yvonne Dolan with Harry Korman, Terry Trepper, Eric McCollum and Insoo Kim Berg. In: Journal of Family Therapy 30(1), S. 115-116