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systemagazin Zeitschriftenarchiv: Journal of Family Therapy Heft 2/2004
1/2004 - 2/2004 - 3/2004 - 4/2004 - Übersicht
Eisler, Ivan (2004): Editorial. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(2), S. 103-104
Byrne, Michael, Alan Carr & Marie Clark (2004): The efficacy of couples-based interventions for panic disorder with agoraphobia. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(2), S. 105-125
abstract: From this systematic literature review it was concluded that panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA) can sometimes occur in conjunction with marital problems. Couples-based treatments for PDA - partner-assisted exposure and marital therapy - can be an effective treatment for the condition. It is as effective as individually based cognitive behaviour therapy. Involving partners of people with PDA in therapy may be appropriate in some cases, particularly those in which there are marital difficulties. Couple-focused interventions may enhance the maintenance of treatment gains by facilitating interactions that positively reinforce and perpetuate attempts by people with PDA to enter feared situations and cope with these effectively. People with PDA who have good marital relationships show a better response to both individual and couples-based treatment programmes. In some instances effective couples-based treatment leads to improvement in marital adjustment as well as in PDA symptomatology.
Allen, Catherine (2004): Borderline Personality Disorder: towards a systemic formulation. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(2), S. 126-141
abstract: The diagnostic label, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), is rapidly gaining currency in the UK. Although many systemic practitioners are skilled and experienced at working with the clinical difficulties associated with the diagnosis, there is little systemic literature on the topic. This paper discusses some of the difficulties for systemic practitioners in engaging with the concept of BPD and offers some pointers for the development of systemic practice in this area.
Rivett, Mark & Alyson Rees (2004): Dancing on a razor's edge: systemic group work with batterers. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(2), S. 142-162
abstract: This paper describes a systemic approach to working with domestic violence which does not focus upon couple therapy but rather adapts the Duluth 'co-ordinated community response' model. It proposes that this model may be understood from a systemic perspective by drawing upon the 'levels of context' ideas prevalent within systemic therapy. The paper then demonstrates the practice of group work with men who are violent to their partners from this systemic perspective. The group work undertaken with these men may be understood as 'systemic' from a number of viewpoints. These include constructing the work within a systemic context, retaining a systemic perspective in the work, and adapting various systemic methods in the group work itself. In describing this approach to work with men who have abused their women partners, the authors hope to contribute to the domestic violence literature, to the understanding of group work methods within systemic work, and to the knowledge of practitioners who need to engage and work with abusive men.
Vetere, Arlene & Jan Cooper (2004): Wishful thinking or Occam's razor? A response to 'Dancing on a razor's edge: systemic group work with batterers'. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(2), S. 163-166
Bor, Robert, Peter du Plessis & Morris Russell (2004): The impact of disclosure of HIV on the index patient's self-defined family. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(2), S. 167-192
abstract: For most people facing a serious illness, the family is regarded as the primary source of support. Research suggests that patterns of support may differ for people infected with HIV. Access to support normally requires disclosure of one's health problem to others. This study examined the impact of disclosure of HIV on the index patient's self-defined family. Most participants were gay men attending a London HIV clinic. Both they and the care-givers whom they identified to the researchers were interviewed. The results of this qualitative study highlight the fact that many gay men with HIV do not regard their biological family as their primary social support system. Friends and partners were commonly cited as primary care-givers. Most of those interviewed who provided support to the infected individual clearly remembered the disclosure event. They also had a number of emotional reactions, over time, to disclosure. We argue that adjustment to illness among care-givers is a complex two-way, reciprocal process whereby the infected individual and care-giver take subtle cues from one another in terms of how they appear to one another to cope. Some emotionally painful feelings may be experienced but not openly expressed. Therapists who work with families affected by illness should first learn from the patient who he or she defines as 'family'. They should also enquire about the impact of disclosure of illness on all care-givers as well as subsequent reactions and unexpressed feelings associated with this.
Malley, Maeve & Fiona Tasker (2004): Significant and other: systemic family therapists on lesbians and gay men. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(2), S. 193-212
abstract: This paper discusses a questionnaire survey done with a sample of 130 systemic family therapists, which investigated their training in, and experience of, working with lesbian and gay male clients and attitudes towards lesbians and gay men using the Index of Attitudes to Homosexuals. The findings indicate that the majority of respondents had received relatively little training in working with this client group within their systemic training. It also indicated that their attitudes towards lesbians and gay men generally may have been influenced by the degree of social, professional or familial contact that they had with them. |