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systemagazin Zeitschriftenarchiv: Journal of Family Therapy Heft 1/2004
1/2004 - 2/2004 - 3/2004 - 4/2004 - Übersicht
Akister, Jane & Janet Reibstein (2004): Links between attachment theory and systemic practice: some proposals. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(1), S. 2-16
abstract: This paper considers some of the current thinking in relation to attachment theory and systemic theory in understanding the development of adult couple relationships in terms of their attachment to each other and of their adaptations as a family. There is an increasing interest in adults' attachments to their own parental (attachment) figures, how these have an impact on the attachment relationship they have with their own children, and to the idea that adult partners can become attachment figures for each other with the potential for development being lifelong. Discussion focuses on attachment issues within the family group and the relevance of these to systemic practice.
Larner, Glenn (2004): Family therapy and the politics of evidence. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(1), S. 17-39
abstract: This article situates family therapy in the politics of evidence-based practice. While there is a wealth of outcome research showing that family therapy works, it remains on the margin of mainstream therapy and mental health practice. Until recently it has been difficult to satisfy 'gold standards' of randomized control research which require manualization and controlled replication by independent investigators. This is because systemic family therapy is language-based, client-directed and focused on relational process rather than step-by-step operational techniques. As a consequence family therapy is an empirically supported treatment unable to join the evidence-based club. The politics here concerns what is 'evidence', who defines it and the limitations of a scientist-practitioner model. Therapy is art and science and its research needs to be grounded in real-life clinical practice. Common factors such as personal hope and resourcefulness and the therapeutic relationship contribute more to change than technique or model. While arguing for a wider definition of science and evidence it is politic to seek evidence-based status for family therapy. Family therapy is a best practice approach for all therapists where systemic wisdom helps to decide what to do with whom when. A systemic-practitioner model is informed by quantitative and qualitative research and holds modern and postmodern perspectives in tension, a stance I call paramodern. Family therapy is both scientific and systemic; it is a science of context, narrative and relationship.
Dallos, Rudi (2004): Attachment narrative therapy: integrating ideas from narrative and attachment theory in systemic family therapy with eating disorders. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(1), S. 40-65
abstract: Abstract This paper proposes that recent developments in attachment theory, especially the move to the study of representations, offers some helpful new directions for systemic family therapy. Some of the findings of a close association between early attachment experiences and the coherence of the narratives are reviewed. It is suggested that this offers a useful link for systemic approaches in showing how early interactions in families promote not only particular emotional attachment patterns, but also shape the content and style of the narratives that are formed. These implications are then explored in the context of work with anorexia nervosa. It is suggested that commonly observed patterns, such as avoidance of conflict and apparent difficulties in discussing relationships and feelings, is consistent with transgenerational experiences of insecure/avoidant attachments. Some implications for systemic therapy with families are outlined and an illustrative case study is offered.
Krautter, Tonja & James Lock (2004): Is manualized family-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa acceptable to patients? Patient satisfaction at the end of treatment. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(1), S. 66-82
abstract: Patient satisfaction with treatment sheds light on the acceptability, disseminability and usefulness of treatments. This study aimed to assess the perspectives of families who completed treatment using a manual-driven family-based treatment for anorexia nervosa. We hypothesized that overall, manualized treatment would be viewed as acceptable and helpful, but that none the less, a proportion of patients would identify a wish for other types or additional therapy. A total of thirty-four families participated in the survey. Results suggest that patients and families viewed the treatment as highly effective and acceptable. However, approximately a quarter suggested that individual therapy, more family therapy, and focusing on other issues besides anorexia nervosa would improve treatment. These data suggest that a manual-driven family-based treatment for adolescents with anorexia nervosa is acceptable to adolescents and their parents, though modifications to include additional therapy and individual therapy might be considered in some cases.
Akister, Jane (2004): Abstracts. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(1), S. 95-100
Macdonald, Alasdair (2004): Letter to the Editor. In: Journal of Family Therapy 26(1), S. 101-101 |