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Journ. of Fam.Ther.
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systemagazin Zeitschriftenarchiv: Journal of Family Therapy Heft 1/1999
1/1999 - 2/1999  - 3/1999 - 4/1999 - Übersicht

Street, Eddy (1999): Editorial. In: Journal of Family Therapy 21 (1): S. 1-2

Malley, Maeve & Fiona Tasker (1999): Lesbians, gay men and family therapy: a contradiction in terms? In: Journal of Family Therapy 21 (1): S. 3-29.

abstract: This paper seeks to review the history of discussions about lesbian and gay male sexuality in family therapy theory and practice. It examines whether homophobic and heterosexist attitudes are present in family therapy thinking. Possible connections are explored between attitudes towards lesbian and gay issues and the professional backgrounds of family therapists, wider debates on homosexuality within society, and conceptualizations of the family life cycle. The question of why relatively little has been written on the issues raised by lesbians, bisexuals and gay men in therapy is discussed. The implications of this oversight on practice are addressed and suggestions made for future work.

Tasker, Fiona & Damian McCann (1999): Affirming patterns of adolescent sexual identity: the challenge. In: Journal of Family Therapy 21 (1): S. 30-54.

abstract: Issues concerning sexual identity are not uncommon in therapy with adolescents, although they may manifest in a variety of ways. For young people who have experienced same-gender attractions or sexual experiences there is the question of how to absorb these experiences within the construction of a coherent sexual identity. In many cases the family context plays an important role in sexual identity formation and acceptance. Therapists too may play an important role in terms of two key aspects of sexual identity formation: self-definition and disclosure. Family therapists in particular occupy a unique position with respect to the adolescent and his or her family, opening up not only potential opportunities but also potential risks in practice. Practice issues are identified and explored in this paper.

Spellman, David (1999): To boldly know. and not know, about heterosexual dominance. In: Journal of Family Therapy 21 (1): S. 55-59

Prest, Layne A., Robin Russel & Henry D‘Souza (1999): Spirituality and religion in training, practice and personal development. In: Journal of Family Therapy 21 (1): S. 60-77.

abstract: In the midst of a revitalized interest in spirituality and religion in Western societies, there has been reported a resurgence of activity regarding spirituality and religion in the mental health professions, including marriage and family therapy (MFT). Little is known, however, about the beliefs, behaviours, and training experiences of MFT graduate students. Therefore it is important to examine the training (education and supervision) needs in this area. For this initial study, a sample of US MFT graduate students were surveyed regarding their spiritual and religious attitudes and practices in their personal and professional lives. In most areas, graduate students were found to be similar to the previously published reports of practising professionals. In other areas, they report even more investment in spirituality and religion. The results of the survey suggest a need to include systematic attention to these areas in graduate training curricula and in the professional supervision process.

Thomas, Volker & Robert A. Lewis (1999): Observational couple assessment: a cross-model comparison. In: Journal of Family Therapy 21 (1): S. 78-95.

abstract: This study compared the clinical rating scales from the Circumplex Model (CCRS), the McMaster Model of Family Functioning (MCRS) and the Family Health Scales (FHS). A central purpose was to investigate whether observational rating scales designed to measure family functioning can also be used to assess couple functioning. One hundred and sixty-six drug abusing women, receiving primary drug treatment in two metropolitan drug agencies in the southwest of the US, and their partners were videotaped while engaged in three couple tasks prior to receiving any treatment. The main findings indicated that all three rating scales have: (1) sufficient interrater reliability; (2) good construct validity, as reflected in factor analyses; and (3) very good convergent validity. However, there was some concern about whether these scales are as discriminating when measuring couples as they are when assessing families.

Bennun, Ian (1999): Intensive care units: a systemic perspective. In: Journal of Family Therapy 21 (1): S. 96-112.

abstract: There are no systemic accounts of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) nor is there much to guide the systemic therapist working within these units. This paper attempts to develop an analysis of ICUs and proposes two working models describing the various levels at which the therapist can intervene.

McCann, Damian (1999): Extended book review: Joan Laird and Robert-Jay Green (eds), Lesbians and Gays in Couples and Families: A Handbook for Therapists. San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass, 1996. In: Journal of Family Therapy 21 (1): S. 113-118

Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons

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