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Family Process Heft 3/2005
1/2005 - 2/2005 - 3/2005 - 4/2005 - Überblick

Imber-Black, Evan (2005): Training for a New Generation. In: Family Process 44(3), S. 245-247.

abstract: Teachers can never tell where their influence stops. Henry Brooks Adams (1907)

Kaplan, Laurie & Sippio Small (2005): Multiracial Recruitment in the Field of Family Therapy: An Innovative Training Program for People of Color. In: Family Process 44(3), S. 249-265.

abstract: This article describes the creation of a training program designed to increase the number of family therapists of color in the family therapy field. In 1992, a partnership between New York City schools of social work, community agencies, and the Ackerman Institute for the Family created the Diversity and Social Work Training Program. Elements critical to the program's success were recruitment strategies, mentorships, partnerships with outside organizations, provision of a long-term institutional commitment, biracial collaborations, and institutional change. This article describes the design, structure, and process of this program's evolution and its impact 12 years later.

Goodrich, Thelma Jean & Louise Bordeaux Silverstein (2005): Now You See It, Now You Don't: Feminist Training in Family Therapy. In: Family Process 44(3), S. 267-281.

abstract: This article describes the state of feminist training in family therapy. Methods of assessment include questionnaires to all programs accredited by COAMFTE in universities and institutes and to leading institutes not accredited; interviews with editors of the Journal of Feminist Family Therapy; interviews with many who pioneered the feminist critique in family therapy; inspection of two major national conferences; and a search of publications. Although most program directors describe their programs as feminist and judge their training to be sufficient, their report contrasts with the perspectives of many of the journal editors and pioneers, with the small amount of training in gender issues at national conferences, and with the small number of publications. The authors offer discussion of the findings and recommendations.

Rolland, John S. & Froma Walsh (2005): Systemic Training for Healthcare Professionals: The Chicago Center for Family Health Approach. In: Family Process 44(3), S. 283-301.

abstract: There has been increasing interest in family-centered, collaborative, biopsychosocial models of care by health and mental health professionals and consumers. This trend has led to growing demand and development of specialized training in family systems approaches to health care. This article describes the Families, Illness, and Collaborative Healthcare programs developed at the University of Chicago affiliate, the Chicago Center for Family Health. The program philosophy is guided by the following principles: a systems orientation focused on the family, a Family Systems Illness Model, a family resilience framework, a family-centered collaborative model of health care, and a social justice and advocacy orientation. Specific training components that implement these principles are described, including intensive certificate and fellowships; workshops, conferences, and institutes; and consultation and training services for community-based organizations. Discussion includes professional networking opportunities, funding challenges, and policy recommendations.

Welter-Enderlin, Rosmarie (2005): The State of the Art of Training in Systemic Family Therapy in Switzerland. In: Family Process 44(3), S. 303-320.

abstract: This article presents a training program in systemic therapy with families and couples. Our training institute was founded by an interdisciplinary group of psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, and social workers in 1987 in Meilen (Zurich), Switzerland, and has from the beginning been connected to the field of family therapy in Europe and the United States. The specific organization of our institute, our training program, and the theoretical base of the training concept are highlighted. Our multidimensional treatment and training model is grounded in a variety of conceptual frameworks and inspired by the tradition of Enlightenment in European philosophy. We pay special attention to the personal and professional development of the emerging family therapist.

Berman, Ellen & Alison M. Heru (2005): Family Systems Training in Psychiatric Residencies. In: Family Process 44(3), S. 321-335.

abstract: Both extensive research and common sense dictate that attention to families is necessary for appropriate care of psychiatric patients. However, training in family skills has often been difficult to integrate into psychiatric residency programs because of conflicting paradigms, turf battles, constraints of time and money, and confusion over whether family-centered care or family therapy should be taught. Current changes in residency accreditation mandate that family skills (not necessarily family therapy in its sophisticated form) be part of all residency programs. This article reviews the history of systems training in residencies, current accreditation requirements, and the GAP proposal for family systems skills, knowledge, and attitudes that that are teachable within the limited time available to residents. The application of these core skills is described using a case example and formulation. Challenges in teaching and ways of overcoming programmatic constraints are outlined.

Kaslow, Nadine J., Marianne P. Celano & Mark Stanton (2005): Training in Family Psychology: A Competencies-Based Approach. In: Family Process 44(3), S. 337-353.

abstract: After providing an overview of the family psychology landscape and the competencies-based movement in professional psychology, attention is paid to eight family-specific competencies in the following areas: the application of scientific knowledge to practice, psychological assessment, psychological intervention, consultation and interprofessional collaboration, supervision, professional development, ethics and legal issues, and individual and cultural diversity. Effective strategies for providing family-focused education and training to psychology trainees at the doctoral, internship, and postdoctoral levels and to psychologists through continuing professional education in these core competency domains are provided.

Nelson, Thorana S. & Sara A. Smock (2005): Challenges of an Outcome-Based Perspective for Marriage and Family Therapy Education. In: Family Process 44(3), S. 355-362.

abstract: Marriage and family therapy (MFT) and marriage and family therapy education (MFTE) have undergone many changes during the short history of MFT. This article describes the current trends and controversies in MFTE, including shifts toward outcome-based education (OBE). We present recommendations for MFTE, including the move toward OBE, the development of core competencies of MFT, attention to interdisciplinary issues, and recognition of the need for both foundational education and encouragement of trainees' unique styles and approaches.

Piercy, Fred P., Lenore M. McWey, Susan Tice, Ebony Joy James, Matt Morris & Kristin Arthur (2005): It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times: Doctoral Students' Experiences of Family Therapy Research Training Through Alternative Forms of Data Representation. In: Family Process 44(3), S. 363-378.

abstract: In this study, we interviewed 14 doctoral students from 10 COAMFTE-accredited doctoral programs to learn more about how they experienced their research training and what they might suggest to strengthen the research culture in their training programs. We solicited somewhat unconventional data-metaphors, poetry, free associations, critical experiences-to (a) tap into our participants' underlying thought processes, (b) capture the multifaceted nature of their doctoral research training, and (c) represent the richness of our participants' subjective experiences. The themes we identified reflect both positive and negative research training experiences and suggest several ways that family therapy program faculty might improve their programs' research training and culture.

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