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Family Process Heft 2/2005
1/2005 - 2/2005 - 3/2005 - 4/2005 - Überblick
Imber-Black, Evan (2005): Couples' Relationships: Questioning Assumptions, Beliefs, and Values. In: Family Process 44(2), S. 133-135.
abstract: I want to express my deep appreciation to Howard J. Markman and Kim Halford for their excellent work as guest editors of the special section, Couple Relationship Education in an International Context.
Elizur, Yoel (2005): In Memoriam: Mordecai Kaffman, M.D. (1917-2005). In: Family Process 44(2), S. 137-138.
abstract: A word of warning: the following ideas will be presented in plain everyday language, avoiding any type of professional lexicon. It may be that this down-to-earth form of presentation will disappoint some of my potential readers who are accustomed to peruse material presented in sophisticated meta-systemic language. All I can do is plead guilty, and in self-defense put forward two arguments. First, that I cannot escape the universal truth, "the style is the man," and second, that the simple ideas which I am to present here are all, without exception, the result of concrete clinical experience, with no admixture of theoretical armchair speculation.
Markman, Howard J. & W. Kim Halford (2005): International Perspectives on Couple Relationship Education. In: Family Process 44(2), S. 139-146.
abstract: This article introduces the special section on international perspectives on couple relationship education. We first describe the theory and research underlying the increased interest in relationship education, with a strong emphasis on social policy issues. We include a discussion of both the benefits and controversies resulting from governments being involved in promoting healthy relationships. We then provide an overview of the four articles included in the special section and show how they illustrate trends occurring in a diverse set of cultural and national contexts. We conclude by highlighting issues and future directions for the relationship education field.
Halford, W. Kim & Michele Simons (2005): Couple Relationship Education in Australia. In: Family Process 44(2), S. 147-159.
abstract: In Australia, the strengthening of marriage through relationship education has received strong governmental policy support and some modest financial support. Couple relationship education services are offered by a variety of community-based, church-affiliated, and church-based providers. There is a strong emphasis on providing programs that are developed locally in response to perceived couple needs and government policies. Available evaluations show that most couples who attend education value the service, but relationship education providers need to do a better job reaching out to couples at high risk for future relationship problems, and more research is needed on the effects of education on long-term marital outcomes. There is significant scope for building on current initiatives to incorporate evidence-based approaches and to expand the program reach to more couples.
Huang, Wei-Jen (2005): An Asian Perspective on Relationship and Marriage Education. In: Family Process 44(2), S. 161-173.
abstract: The goal of this article is to provide couple therapists and relationship educators with information to enhance the cultural relevance of their work with Asian populations. Because of the rapid social, economic, cultural, and gender role changes, the various Asian interpretations of the institution of marriage are undergoing major transformation. This article describes the general trends in marriage in several Asian nations, with a focus on the swiftly rising divorce rates and changing cultural attitudes to marriage, and discusses current relationship education initiatives in these nations. Finally, based on my experiences working with Asian populations, I present a few humble insights regarding adaptation of marriage education to render it more culturally appropriate for Asians.
Thuen, Frode & Kristin Tafjord Laerum (2005): A Public/Private Partnership in Offering Relationship Education to the Norwegian Population. In: Family Process 44(2), S. 175-185.
abstract: This article is an overview of the relationship education field in Norway. We explain the roles of the national authorities and private organizations in education, and analyze achievements and challenges in the field. Involvement and economic support from the national authorities have made relationship education available to large groups of the population, though the characteristics of those who choose to attend are largely unknown. To ensure recruitment of those most in need of education, new strategies based on systematic information on barriers among different groups of the population must be developed. A variety of relationship education programs are offered by public and private organizations, with the U.S.-developed Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) being the most widespread. We present preliminary data of an effectiveness evaluation of PREP workshops in Norway. In general, participants evaluate the workshops positively. It is important to tailor relationship education to fit the various customs, beliefs, and challenges of couples attending programs.
Stanley, Scott M., Elizabeth S. Allen, Howard J. Markman, Christopher C. Saiz, Glen Bloomstrom, Ronald Thomas, Walter R. Schumm & Albert E. Bailey (2005): Dissemination and Evaluation of Marriage Education in the Army. In: Family Process 44(2), S. 187-201.
abstract: The effectiveness of marriage education was evaluated in two separate samples of primarily married couples in which at least one member of the couple was on active duty in the U.S. Army. The intervention was delivered by Army chaplains. Effects replicated well in the two samples, and demonstrated that marriage education was well received by this population and resulted in improvements in relationship functioning. Changes in relationship quality were examined separately for males and females, and also for couples in which both members of the couple were Caucasian as compared with all other couples. There were no significant differences in changes over time (i.e., from pre- to postmarriage education) among males and females or among couples with different ethnic makeup. These results have important implications for the generalizability of marriage education to diverse samples in nontraditional contexts.
Shamai, Michal (2005): Personal Experience in Professional Narratives: The Role of Helpers' Families in Their Work With Terror Victims. In: Family Process 44(2), S. 203-215.
abstract: This article describes research on the narratives of social workers who help terror victims, focusing on the relationship between the helpers' families and their work. Qualitative analysis of three training groups of social workers who are responsible for helping in the event of terror attacks in different parts of Israel, and of three debriefing groups for social workers after terror attacks, reveals that the helpers' families play a role in the narratives constructed by the helpers. Two main themes were identified. The first centers on the interaction between work and the family, and shows that in the situation of a terror attack, the conflict between the two disappears and the family often serves as a support system for the helpers. The second theme refers to the family dimension alone, and focuses on the dichotomy between vitality and loss. The way that family life events affect helpers' professional intervention is described. The findings are discussed in light of Conservation of Resources Theory, the fight-flight response to threat, and the concept of the family as a source of safety and risk taking.
Hoffman, Perry D., Alan E. Fruzzetti, Ellie Buteau, Emily R. Neiditch, Dixianne Penney, Martha L. Bruce, Frederic Hellman & Elmer Struening (2005): Family Connections: A Program for Relatives of Persons With Borderline Personality Disorder. In: Family Process 44(2), S. 217-225.
abstract: This study assessed changes in family members who participated in Family Connections, a 12-week manualized education program for relatives of persons with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Family Connections, led by trained family members, is based on the strategies of standard Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and DBT for families. The program provides (a) current information and research on BPD, (b) coping skills, (c) family skills, and (d) opportunities to build a support network for family members. Forty-four participants representing 34 families completed the pre-, post-, and 6-month postbaseline self-report questionnaires. Analyses employing hierarchical linear modeling strategies showed significant reductions in grief and burden, and a significant increase in mastery from pre- to post-group assessment. Changes were maintained at 6 months post baseline.
Scheinkman, Michele (2005): Beyond the Trauma of Betrayal: Reconsidering Affairs in Couples Therapy. In: Family Process 44(2), S. 227-244