Abstracts - Zusammenfassungen

Plena - SP01-05 - SP06-10 - SP11-15 - SY01-06,14 - SY07-13 - SM01-06
SM07-13 - SM14-20 - SM21-27 - SN01-05 - SN06-10 - SN11-15 - SN16-21
SN22-26 - SN27-32 - SN33-37 - SN38-43 - P01-13 - P14-28


Posters - Poster

P14 - P15 - P16 - P17 - P18 - P19 - P20 - P21 - P22 - P23 - P24 - P25
P26 - P27 - P28



Barbara Ollefs, Arist v. Schlippe:

Coaching Parents in Non-Violent Resistance (Eltern für den gewaltlosen Widerstand coachen)

Object: The design of the study focusses on the evaluating the concept of "parental coaching" by H.Omer, which is based on ideas about non-violant reststance NVR: strengthening "parental presence", reduction of escalating processes, activation of social support and parental cooperation. Well established in Israel the concept meets great interest in Germany. Design: 40-60 parents of children with behavior problems (treatmentgroup) and a control-sample will be compared in a pre-post-design. Both groups will take part in educational counseling, treatment-group in combination with coaching in NVR. Differences are expected in the degree of: - different aspects of experienced "parental presence”, - parental helplessness, - parental cooperation, - activated social support, - escalating processes within the family, - changes in violent behavior of the child
Aim and result: A pre-study dealt with construction of a “parental presence questionnaire”. It showed three factors of presence: 1. Negative description of self and child. 2. Feeling of competence and active interest in the child. 3. Cooperation with partner and social context. The poster will present the instrument and the design of the intended study.



Valeria Pomini, I. Liappas, L. Mellos, P. Papavasiliou, A. Rabavilas

Family Therapy and Treatment Retention in a Sample of Greek Drug Addicts (Familientherapie und Vorbehalte gegen Behandlung bei einer ausgewählten Anzahl von griechischen Drogensüchtigen)

Adult drug abuse and dependence have been considered a chronic disease with poor outcome. Addict’s session attendance has been proved to predict treatment outcomes. The involvement of the addict’s family in the therapeutic process improves his/her adherence to treatment. Furthermore, family’s pressure seems to influence the addict’s motivation to enter treatment.
This study aimed to assess the attendance to individual sessions with and without parallel family therapy. Results concerning a sample of 57 drug addicts receiving individual plus family therapy compared to a matched sample receiving only individual therapy, both within a drug-free out-patient clinic, will be presented and discussed.



Dionysios Sakkas, H. Efthichidou, C. Kalaitzi (GR):

A Research on the Effectiveness of Family Therapy in Chronic Pain (Forschung zur Wirksamkeit von Familientherapie bei chronischem Schmerz)

Pain behavior is a behavior beginning in response to sensory pain or suffering, but afterwards it occurs totally because of environmental (reinforcing) factors. Nevertheless, few prospective studies assess the impact of family therapy on chronic pain patients. Our purpose was to assess the effectiveness of family therapy in chronic pain management, as this is expressed by the reduction of self- reported pain intensity.
DESIGN- METHOD: Fifty three poor responders from Chronic Pain Clinic were referred for therapy. Of those, 34 agreed and came to therapy, the majority of them with their whole family or some members of the family. Therapy was based on a systemic- dialectic approach, as it is evolved at the Athenean Institute of Anthropos by Vassilious and associates. RESULTS: Of the patients subjected to family therapy, 2 (5.9%) reported worsening of pain, 6 (18.2%) reported no improvement or minor improvement, 9 (26.5%) reported average improvement and 16 (49.2%) reported great improvement.
Although more patients in family therapy report average or major improvement compared to patients that were referred for family therapy and refused, x2 did not reach statistical significance, probably due to the relatively small number of the latter. Comparing patients in therapy with pain patients that were not referred for therapy, we discover that patients in therapy report significantly greater improvement of pain than control patients (x2= 4.23, p< 0.5).
CONCLUSION: This study supports the effectiveness of dialectic -systemic family psychotherapy in chronic pain patients.



Dionysios Sakkas, C. Kalaitzi, S. Sakka (GR):

Family Factors in the Prognosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Familiäre Faktoren in der Prognose von entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen)

Population- Method: We organized a prospective study of 43 IBD patients (33 UC- 10 CD) hospitalized in the Gastrenterology Department of our hospital. Mean time of follow up was 5 years. IBD diagnosis was based on clinical, radiological, endoscopical and histological criteria, while the severity of the disease was characterised as mild, moderate or severe. Demographic characteristics of the patient, marital status and the score on The Family Environment Scale at baseline were correlated to the outcome of IBN at the end of the follow up period. Results: The severity of illness at the end of follow up period and it’s progress are related to the duration of marriage (p<0.009). Patients that were found with significantly milder disease at the end of the follow up period had been married for a longer period of time (p<0.03). Also, the patients that showed significant improvement were married longer than the rest (p<0.0001). Patients suffering from Crohn's Disease characterized as severe at the end of the follow up, had scored higher in the Independence and Active Recreation Orientation subscales of the Family Environment Scale, which reached statistical significance (p<0.04).
Conclusion: Family factors are indicative of the prognosis of I.B.D. and can be used as a guide for early preventive and therapeutic interventions in the family context.



Ingeborg Schlaucher-Nikolaidou (D/GR), Fanny Triantafillou (GR):

Children and Adolescents "Speak" about the Future

Inspired by the title of the Congress, “Creating Futures”, we attempt to investigate how children and adolescents themselves feel and think about the future. The poster presents the ideas, the feelings, the hopes and the fears about the future of some 1000 pupils (10-18 y. old) living in Thessaloniki. Our sample is designed to include pupils of every social class, as well as pupils of repatriated and immigrant families from the Balkan, East and West European Countries. In the study, public and private schools are participating.
Among them, the Greek and the German section of The German School of Thessaloniki is included. A specially designed Questionnaire, modified according to the pupils’ age (for 10-12, 13-15, 16-18 y. olds) has been administered in the classroom. The pupils have been invited to respond both in writing and in drawing. The results of this study are demonstrated by tables and pupils’ representative drawings.

Kinder und Jugendliche äußern sich über die Zukunft

Angeregt durch den Titel des Kongresses „Creating Futures“ versuchten wir zu erforschen, wie junge Leute über die Zukunft denken und welche Gefühle sie dabei haben. Das Poster versucht die Vorstellungen, Gefühle, Hoffnungen und Ängste im Bezug auf die Zukunft von ca. 1000 Schülern (10- 18 Jahre alt) zu beschreiben, die in Thessaloniki leben. Die Stichprobenauswahl erfolgte nach dem Kriterium, dass Schüler unterschiedlicher sozialer Schichten erfasst wurden, sowie auch Familien von Immigranten und Rückwanderern aus den Ländern des Balkans, von West- und Osteuropa. An der Untersuchung nahmen öffentliche und private Schulen teil, unter anderem auch die deutsche und griechische Abteilung der Deutschen Schule Thessaloniki. An die verschiedenen Alterstufen angepassten Fragebogen ( für die Altersstufen 10-12 Jahre, 13-15 Jahre und 16-18 Jahre) wurden entworfen und im Unterricht verteilt, mit der Aufforderung, sie sowohl schriftlich als auch zeichnerisch-gestaltend zu beantworten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung werden mit Tabellen und repräsentativen Zeichnungen der Schüler dargestellt.



Marianne Sipilä, Tytti Solantaus (FIN):

Helping Preschool and School Age Children: The Beardslee Family Intervention (Hilfe für Kinder im Vorschulalter und für Schulkinder: Die Beardslee Familienintervention)

An intiative has been taken on a national level in Finland (the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and STAKES) to esure that the needs of the children of the mentall ill will be met. A special project (the Efficient Family) was set up to develop means to work with these families as part of their psychiatric services. The core of the work is prevention of children's disorders and it includes implementing the Beardslee Preventive Family Intervention.
Although parental mental illness is a risk for children, not all children succumb to psychopathology. These resilient children are known to have an understanding of their parents’ problems and to have abilities to keep up with their own social relationships and activities outside the family. The Preventive Family Intervention developed by professor Beardslee in the US is designed to foster these protective qualities in children and in their families. The intervention includes separate sessions with parents and children and a joint family meeting (approximately 6-8 sessions). The Family Intervention has been studied in a randomized design with good results in American families.



José A. Soriano, A. López-Navidad, F. Caballero,
Juan Luis Linares, M. García (E):

Psychopathology of Bereavement in the Families of Deceased Family Members whose Organs were Donated after Death (Pathologische Trauer in Familien von verstorbenen Organspendern)

Previous studies on bereavement have described different evolutionary possibilities and differentiated family patterns. The emergence of transplants in the last two decades represents an unforeseen element in the process of death that requires an early decision to be made in order to aid the success of the transplant. OBJECTIVE: Assess the bereavement process in the families of potential cadavers organ-donors who request professional help in the face of bereavement, and to try to establish the relationship between the specific characteristics of the donation process and family typologies as indicators of evolution. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 101 families of potential cadavers organ-donors were interviewed in order to request authorisation for organ retrieval (87 consents; 14 refusals). Twenty-eight people belonging to 12 families of the 87 actual donors (13.7%) received bereavement support. None of the relatives of the 14 donor refusals requested help. Semi-structured family interviews were carried out at 3, 6 and 13 months after death. Bereavement intensity questionnaires (Texas Bereavement Questionnaire) and family behaviour questionnaires (The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales FACES III) were applied. The sociodemographic data, characteristics of the death and of the donation process (recollection of the interview, family tension), and the religious beliefs were related to the satisfaction and stability of the decision.
RESULTS: 1) Characteristics of the families seen. 2) Psychological repercussions. 3) Relating to the donation process. 4) Relating to family characteristics and religious beliefs. CONCLUSIONS: The request for professional bereavement support by the families of our donors is high. 2. The incidence of complicated bereavements in those relatives of donors who request help exceeds 50%, without it being possible to establish family typologies predicting evolution. The acceptance of the donation process contributes to a subjective evolution of the bereavement that is considered to be positive in over 90% of cases.



José A. Soriano, G. Faus, Juan Luis Linares (E):

Couple Relationships in Eating Disorders (Paarbeziehungen bei Essstörungen)

Objectives: Although eating disorders (ED) mostly affect adolescent and young adult women, several authors have reported that the average age of onset of ED is increasing gradually. Consequently, these disorders are now more likely to co-exist with stable couple relationships, a situation much less common previously. Obviously, these couple relationships will be affected by a symptomatology which, although not incapacitating, is persistent and characterised by dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s surroundings. Design and Method: The characteristics of the couple relationships of 30 adult women with an eating disorder were studied. The described characteristics are based on the information obtained from interviews with patients, structured protocols for collecting information about their family of origin and created family, and the Marital Intimacy Questionnaire (MIQ), administered in order to measure the degree of marital intimacy in these couples.
Results: The majority of the women studied were found to come from highly-demanding families of origin in which they received little recognition and where relational patterns were characterised by disqualification, in some cases bordering on disconfirmation. These women establish couple relationships that, although more nurturing than those in their family of origin, continue to produce disqualifying interactions and in which the women are constantly seeking recognition and validation. Conclusions: Marital intimacy in eating disorders is seriously lacking in many areas and bonds are fragile.



Stéphan Hendrick (B):

Efficience of a Integrated Brief Systemic Therapy Model - IBST (Efficacité d’un modèle de thérapie brève systémique - MTBS) - Wirksamkeit eines systemischen Kurztherapiemodells

The efficience of the brief therapy models has not been enough assessed, especially with quantitative methods (BERGIN & GARFIELD 1994, 2003). Yet assessement is a necessity from a theoretical, an economical and an ethical point of view. IBST is an original model that integrate the MRI (FISCH, WEAKLAND WATZLAWICK etc) and the Milwaukee Models (DE SHAZER, etc), ELKAIM’s concept of resonance and some hypnosis techniques (ERICKSON,ZEIG etc). The model is applied with a constructivist point of view. Design and Method: 30 subjects participated in 3 to 10 IBST sessions. The subjets have been selected because their profils predicted a poor therapy outcome (« intimidating situation »). The clients have been assessed with three self-reports before and right after the therapy (Family functionning, quality of life, symptoms). Results : The clients improved significantly on the three self-reports. Moreover, results show that improvement are partially connected with some specificy of the model. Conclusion: The IBST model proved to be effecient. The asssement method is reliable and easy to implement. Integration proved to be to be an interesting trail. The present study has some limitations that are discussed. Some improvements are proposed.

Efficacité d’un modèle de thérapie brève systémique - MTBS

L'efficacité des modèles de thérapies brèves n'a pas été assez évaluée, particulièrement avec des méthodes quantitatives (BERGIN et GARFIELD 1994, 2003). Pourtant, l’évaluation est une nécessité tant sur le plan théorique qu’économique et éthique. Le MTBS est un modèle original qui intègre le modèle du MRI (FISCH, WEAKLAND WATZLAWICK etc), celui de Milwaukee (de SHAZER, etc), le concept de résonance (ELKAIM) et quelques techniques d'hypnose (ERICKSON, ZEIG etc). Le modèle est appliqué avec un point de vue constructiviste. Méthodologie : 30 sujets ont suivi de 3 à 10 séances MTBS. Les sujets ont été choisis parce que leur profil pouvait faire craindre un résultat médiocre (“ situation intimidante ”). Les clients ont été évalués avec trois auto-questionnaires avant et directement après la thérapie (le fonctionnement familial, la qualité de la vie, la perception subjective des symptômes). Résultats : On constate des améliorations significatives sur les trois échelles. De plus, les résultats indiquent que l'amélioration est partiellement liée avec certaines spécificités du modèle. Conclusions : Le modèle MTBS s'avère efficace. La méthode d’évaluation est fiable et facile de mettre en oeuvre. L'intégration semble être une piste intéressante. L'étude présente néanmoins quelques limitations qui sont discutées. L’auteur propose quelques améliorations.



Eleftheria Tseliou (GR), Ivan Eisler (CZ/GR), G. Psaropoulos (GR):

A Systemic-Discursive Approach to `Researching´: Research Systems as Linguistic-Relational Systems (Ein systemisch-diskursiver Ansatz zu “Forschung”: Forschungssysteme als sprachliche Beziehungssysteme)

Objectives: The purpose of this presentation is to introduce both an overall epistemological orientation to ‘researching’ as well as a particular, qualitative way of approaching the analysis of discourse, which draws both from systems theory and approaches to discourse. Reference: Qualitative research and discourse analysis in particular, have for some time now, met with the systemic paradigm informing family therapy. The systemic-discursive orientation introduced here draws from general systems theory and cybernetics as well as from discourse and conversation analytic approaches, circulating for some time now in the context of Critical Social psychology. Conclusions: We suggest that a systemic-discursive approach to the analysis of talk could promote ways for addressing research questions in a way consistent to a systemic-social constructionist epistemology. Furthermore, we suggest that the adoption of a systemic-discursive orientation as an overall epistemological stance could sensitize to the location of the researcher as well as the act of researching in the context of ideological and political discourses informing the production of scientific knowledge.



Alfons Vansteenwegen, C. Bruynseels (B):

Jealousy: Conditions and Expression by Males and Females (Eifersucht: Bedingungen und Ausdrucksformen bei Männern und Frauen)

Objectives: Two research questions: 1) What kind of situations do make partners jealous ? 2) Is there a difference in jealousy between men and women? Design and methods: In an empirical research survey 66 people between 20 and 30 were interviewed with a questionnaire about jealousy. Results: More jealousy was reported in situations where sexuality was included. Men and women differ clearly in the judgment about certain situations. Males react more jealously when their partner gets attention from other attractive men, accepts that others flirt with her, and when she enjoys this. Males are also more jealous when their partner does an effort to be sympathetic with other men. Females in the contrary react jealously when their male partner finds an other women more attractive or intelligent. In the experiencing of jealousy anger and rage are central. Feelings of sadness and pain were also reported frequently. Most people show their jealousy indirectly by being short cut, difficult or by sulking. Conclusion: In situations where sexuality was included more jealousy was reported. Men and women differ in jealousy.



Alfons Vansteenwegen, E. en Bajeux (B):

Cognitive Changes in Couple Therapy: an Empirical Analysis (Kognitive Veränderungen in der Paartherapie: eine empirische Analyse)

Objectives: Do cognitions change by couple therapy? What kind of intervention produces the most change: a report to the couple, a class-type course or an exercise? Are changes in cognitions related to changes in behaviour and related to the outcome of couple therapy? Design and Methods: Construction of a seven point scale with protypically answers about cognitions in couple therapy. This scale was presented to 48 partners from 24 couples during and after their couple therapy. Behavioral change was measured by two seven point judgements. Outcome was measured by means of a seven point score. Results: All three interventions produced a significant cognitive change: t(29) 8.15, p<001; t(29) 16.26, p<001); t(29) 25.41, p<.001).The cognitive change after the exercise of negotiation was greatest. A correlational study revealed a significant correlation between (1) cognitive change en behavioural change, (2) cognitive change and marital satisfaction and (3) cognitive change and change in marital satisfaction. Conclusion: Cognitive change seems to be an element of couple therapy. It seems that an exercise produces more cognitive change than a class-type course.



Joana Jaureguizar Albonigamayor, Alberto Espina Eizaguirre (E):

Is Relatives’ Expressed Emotion a Risk Factor for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Relapses?)

AIMS: The aim of this study was to analyse Relatives’ Expressed Emotion (EE) in relation to the course of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) (Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis).
METHODS: Relatives’ (n = 70) Expressed Emotion (EE) was measured using the Camberwell Family Interview (CFI), as well as their social support. They also completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS). Patients’ (n = 61) clinical history was taken into account, and thorough the 12 months follow-up pharmacological treatment, and the number of relapses based on clinical criterion were also assessed.
RESULTS: Results revealed that those Crohn’s Disease patients living with mothers or wives who were high in Expressed Emotion (high in Hostility or high in Emotional Overinvolvement) and who showed high scores in SAS and BDI and reported low social support, had more probability to relapse.
With regard to Ulcerative Colitis patients, results showed that the only variable related to relapses was mothers’ and wives’ EOI, although contrary to the evidence in Crohn’s Disease group, high EOI was a protective factor for these patients.
CONCLUSION: These results show the relevant effect that familiar factors exert on the course of IBD. These findings could be of great interest for future interventions similar to those carried out in schizophrenic patients and their families, so that they could understand the negative interactions in which they take part.




Alma Teresa Téllez Romero (MEX):

Family's Beliefs Management Related with Health and Illness: an Offer of Intervention with an Ill Family Member (Familiäre Glaubenssysteme bezüglich Gesundheit und Krankheit: Ein Behandlungsangebot für Familien mit einem kranken Familienmitglied)

Throughout the time, the beliefs around those factors that are related to the disease have been transmitted like part of a familiar legacy that happens of generation in generation, being constructed in a base of network of events, an interpretative model of the reality. The significant material shared by the members of the family, they constitute a route for the therapeutic work, then on the basis of these beliefs a bond with the patients for the creation of a new narrative around the health and to the disease can be established, that it allows to one better adaptation and handling. On the basis of it, the proposal of work based on the use of the Milan's model along with the principles of the familiar medical therapy from a bio-psycho-social and collaborating perspective that promotes the capacity of agency of the patients, it constitutes a proposal of work developed with two Mexican families, in where one demonstrates that the creation of new possibilities that allow a better development of the person is related to the history that is created around the disease, the stage of the vital cycle of the family and the different familiar networks of support, medical and social. Key words: family, beliefs, and illness.

A lo largo del tiempo, las creencias en torno a aquellos factores que están relacionados con la enfermedad han sido transmitidas como parte de un legado familiar que pasa de generación en generación, construyéndose en una base de red de eventos, un modelo interpretativo de la realidad. El material significante compartido por los miembros de la familia, constituye una vía para el trabajo terapéutico, pues con base en estas creencias se puede establecer un vínculo con los pacientes para la creación de una nueva narrativa en torno a la salud y a la enfermedad, que permita una mejor adaptación y manejo. Por ello, el presente trabajo, basado en la utilización del modelo de milán junto con los principios de la terapia médica familiar desde una perspectiva bio-psico-social y colaborativa que promueva la capacidad de agencia de los pacientes, constituye una propuesta de trabajo desarrollado con dos familias mexicanas, en donde se demuestra que la creación de nuevas posibilidades que permitan un mejor desarrollo del individuo está relacionada con la historia que se crea en torno a la enfermedad, la etapa del ciclo vital de la familia y las diferentes redes de apoyo familiares, médicas y sociales. Palabras clave: familia, creencias y enfermedad.



Jenia Georgieva, Roumen Georgiev (BG):

Exposing "Family Secrets" and "Dirty Games" in the Larger Social Space (Die Offenbarung von "Familiengeheimnissen und "schmutzige Spiele im größeren sozialen Kontext)

Exposing secrets? Breaking confidentiality?! No, this poster is about searching for channels to break the "secrets" that the profession holds unwillingly, simply because the nature of the knowledge family therapists have is such, that "the how" of the bringing of it to have larger impact is the problem.Living in a society in transition, we could not but notice the relevance of this knowledge to the processes taking place in it, the isomorpy of patterns of constructive change in the family and in the social system. Giving expression to these observations and analyses triggered an encouraging our further efforts response in the professional community, including the Award of WPA and Masserman Foundation. One effect of that was that we felt an additional responsibility to search for effective channels through which family-therapy knowledge could reach larger circles in the social context. Many of those serious efforts remained quite limited in their impact. This poster shares a less "serious" attempt. One, utilizing humour. And bringing forth some complex dysfunctional family patterns and not so easy to grasp "dirty games" in the most simple possible form, the form of ...children's songs! Enjoy! The project we incorporated them in, gives us the joy that you feel when finding a shortcut in a complicated territory.
