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systemagazin Zeitschriftenarchiv: Journal of Family Therapy Heft 2/2011
1/2011 - 2/2011 - 3/2011 - 4/2011 - Übersicht
Rivett, Mark (2011): Professional controversies and debates. In: Journal of Family Therapy 33 (2): S. 121-122
Stratton, Peter, Janet Reibstein, Judith Lask, Reenee Singh & Eia Asen (2011): Competences and occupational standards for systemic family and couples therapy. In: Journal of Family Therapy 33 (2): S. 123-143.
abstract: This article reports on the recent government initiative of 2007–2010 to delineate, for the major forms of psychological therapy, expected professional standards of practice and conduct in workplaces (the national occupational standards) and to specify expected levels of competent practice (the competences). The article focuses on the processes and outcomes of this initiative for systemic therapy and its clinical and political relevance. The rationale, research and consultation processes by which these formulations were achieved are described and the outcomes of the work are reported. We also discuss their wider implications, including the various ways in which these achievements might be used and their potential value for the field of systemic family and couples therapy.
Northey, Jr, William F. (2011): Competency, common ground, and challenges: response to the development of systemic therapy competencies for the UK. In: Journal of Family Therapy 33 (2): S. 144-152.
abstract: The recent initiative by the government to delineate the competencies for the delivery of systemic therapies is groundbreaking and represents a fundamental shift with clinical and political implications. In this article the author compares the process and outcomes utilised in the UK with those embarked on in the USA in 2003, culminating in the creation of the marriage and family therapy core competencies by a task force sponsored by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. The development of competencies is just the first step in a development process requiring significant modifications in all of the systems that contribute to the development and delivery of behavioural health services, including clinicians, supervisors, training programmes, regulators and policy-makers. An elucidation of the challenges faced in the USA is provided as a potential guide to the UK effort.
Bertrando, Paolo (2011): A theory of clinical practice: the cognitive and the narrative. In: Journal of Family Therapy 33 (2): S. 153-167.
abstract: Today the extent of the difference between theoretical models of therapy is under discussion. There have been proposals to abandon such models altogether, or to create others, such as integrative or meta- theoretical models. This article proposes, through the analysis of a clinical situation, the possibility of building a theory of practice which could account for most of the aspects of the therapeutic process that remain tacit and implicit. Such a theory could help us explain what concretely happens when a therapist is doing therapy, and also how theoretical models interact with the everyday practice of therapists.
Hurst, Mark (2011): Professional judgement in the assessment of risk: is there a role for systemic practice? In: Journal of Family Therapy 33 (2): S. 168-180.
abstract: Risk assessment is an example of professional decision-making pared to its stark essentials. Political pressures towards accountability and the need for defensible decisions encourage a ‘tick-box’ approach to risk assessment, but this can create unrealistic expectations of certainty. In practice, as technological approaches produce ever more complex formal tools for assessing risk, their effectiveness remains dubious while our human decision-making apparatus is marginalized. This article examines whether we should respect our ability to apprehend complex multi-stranded narrative realities intuitively, with the hope that such intuitions might contribute to professional decision-making. This idea is explored with reference to a case study.
Lucas, Patricia J (2011): Some reflections on the rhetoric of parenting programmes: evidence, theory, and social policy. In: Journal of Family Therapy 33 (2): S. 181-198.
abstract: Childcare advice has a long history. This article comments on parenting programmes, a recent form of this advice. It argues that the use of parenting programmes has grown with support from three sectors. Firstly, those who argue from the evidence-based approach suggest that there is strong research evidence for the use of such programmes with children with conduct problems. Secondly, they are supported by theoretical models that emphasize the causal relationship between parental behaviour and child outcomes. Finally, the dominant rhetoric of social exclusion in current UK policy supports action at the level of individual parents‘ behaviour. The example of parenting programmes employed in parenting orders is used to open debate across the boundaries of disciplines. Tensions between this use and the evidence and theories presented in favour of parenting programmes are discussed, highlighting the difference between a therapeutic focus on family problems and a policy focus on problem families.
Wulff, Daniel Paul, George St, Sally Ann & Fred H. Besthorn (2011): Revisiting confidentiality: observations from family therapy practice. In: Journal of Family Therapy 33 (2): S. 199-214.
abstract: Confidentiality has long been recognized as a critical legal and ethical principle for the committed, value-based practitioner. Vital principles (such as confidentiality) become manifest in material practices and in the language of professional and societal narratives. This articulation into specific practices and performances requires a pragmatic process that transforms the abstract into real-world activities. This imperfect process has the potential of including the derived practices that in certain ways may extend the principle in unintended or unwanted directions. In the case of confidentiality, the actual practices of confidentiality may be both emancipating and inhibiting – they may protect as well as isolate. Our purpose is to revisit the idea of confidentiality and to deconstruct the way it functions in both positive and negative manners in clinical work.
Zimmerman, Kevin J. (2011): Commentary: is collaboration a viable target for family therapists? In: Journal of Family Therapy 33 (2): S. 215-223.
abstract: It is hoped that this commentary might serve to begin a discussion regarding collaboration, what is meant by it and whether it is a worthy goal for family therapists. I present the varying and sometimes contradictory meanings of the word, ‘collaboration’, as it is used in the therapy literature. Many of these meanings incorrectly imply an equality of the therapist–client relationship that only obscures the power differential that exists in the therapeutic relationship. A linguistic analysis of the primary meaning of ‘collaboration’ as ‘work with’ is presented. It is argued that equality between therapist and client cannot be achieved and need not be strived for. Therapists are encouraged to focus on the quality rather than the equality of their relationships.
Neden, Jeanette, Julie Barber, Gail Bradbury & Alice Cheung (2011): Bringing forth spirituality dialogues in family therapy education. In: Journal of Family Therapy 33 (2): S. 224-228.
abstract: Our intention in the following article is to bring forth connections with spiritual resources in teaching and supervision. We construct this focus within a collaborative learning approach. Methods and techniques used include curiosity, reflexivity inquiry, deconstruction, outsider witness practices and re-authoring conversations. We evaluate how the dialogue has transformed our abilities to relate to spirituality.