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systemagazin Zeitschriftenarchiv: Journal of Family Therapy Heft 4/2007
1/2007 - 2/2007 - 3/2007 - 4/2007 - Übersicht
Cottrell, David (2007): Editorial. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 305-306
Farrington, Carol, Wendy Lobatto, Angels Ferrer Duch, Ken Rutter & Val Jackson (2007): Table talk: inviting students to share the feast. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 307-310
abstract: This account describes part of the first morning of the AFT accredited South Yorkshire Foundation Course in Family Therapy and Systemic Practice. The course committee members join together in a reflective conversation about the course. We share with the students our "kitchen table" discussions, the history of our involvement, and how it has affected our lives. We aim to introduce social constructionist practice in which we present the context of the course and address the power relationships in the room by being transparent about our own experiences. We hope to create an atmosphere in which learning can flourish.
Partridge, Karen, Nicola McCarry & Teresa Wilson (2007): Practices of freedom: playing with the position of the Other. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 311-315
abstract: An exercise for introducing tutors to a group of trainee systemic therapists is described. This is based on a principle of subverting hierarchy between tutors and students in a playful way and invites transparency and self-disclosure on the part of the tutors. It is an example of ongoing experimentation with positioning theory in systemic training as a way of exploring power differentials and attempting to give voice to subjugated discourses. Tutors and trainees reflect on the excitement and learning arising from the exercise.
Aggett, Percy, Joady Brennan, Monica Lynch, Dave Tapsell & Yoko Totsuka (2007): Creating space for interdisciplinary and interagency learning: the Newham "responsiveness" days. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 316-320
abstract: Family therapists in Newham's specialist child and adolescent mental health services describe an interdisciplinary and interagency training day for Newham's children's workforce; the workshop aims to develop co-learning about communication and collaboration in the context of a rapidly changing service environment, driven by current national and local policy initiatives. The training team attempts to generate a rich learning context using three themes: networking, responsiveness and complexity. The workshop demonstrates that it is perhaps possible to embed complex communication discourses in brief, pragmatic training, enhancing collaboration between professionals in local networks.
Atkin, Tim (2007): Developing theories of change in clinical psychology training. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 321-325
abstract: Family therapists and clinical psychologists alike have struggled for many years with the task of integrating therapeutic ideas and practices in a coherent, useful way. Rather than tread the modernist path of searching for the universally correct integrated model, this paper sets out a framework to support trainee clinical psychologists in addressing this task by reflexively developing their own theories of change to fit with their own experiences, learning, clients and contexts. Methods of guiding this process without being prescriptive are described, along with feedback from both trainee and qualified clinical psychologists who have used this approach.
Carr, Alan (2007): Family therapy training on a clinical psychology programme. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 326-329
abstract: The report describes the intake interviewing exercise in a family therapy training unit developed for postgraduates in clinical psychology. The teaching method includes pre-class reading, video modelling, and simulated practice with live feedback. The academic material and other similar practice exercises are contained in the core textbook for this unit.
Tseliou, Eleftheria (2007): "Polyphonic dialogue" as a means for teaching systemic and social-constructionist ideas. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 330-333
abstract: Abstract The paper presents the idea of using "polyphonic dialogue", namely Jaakko Seikkula's development of the reflecting team approach, as a way to introduce systemic-social constructionist ideas in the context of academic teaching to "audiences" with little or no familiarity with such ideas.
Lord, Susan A. (2007): Meditative dialogue: A tool for engaging students in collaborative learning processes. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 334-337
abstract: This paper describes a teaching tool that uses meditation practices and postmodern practices to promote a sense of collaboration and mutual responsibility for learning in a final Master's in Social Work class at the University of New Hampshire. It outlines a process through which students and instructor aim to become equal partners in developing collective knowledges, and participate in the collaborative practices they are learning as they move from positions of inexpert learners to expert colleagues. It includes a discussion of students' evaluation of the meditative dialogue process and its impact on their professional development.
Boston, Paula (2007): Therapeutic Groundhog Day - exploring the impact of the theory/approach on the self of the therapist. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 338-341
abstract: The "use of self" of the therapist is a concept that can be considered from numerous directions. An underrepresented aspect of "the self of the therapist" is the influence of the theoretical orientation and associated skills. As part of a recursive process, the theory and techniques shape the therapist's emergent self in the therapeutic relationship. This teaching event was designed to provide an opportunity for trainee therapists to experience contrasting "selves". This is developed through role play where "family" and "therapists" attempt to reproduce the same episode but each is responded to with a different model and skill.
Stratton, Peter (2007): Dialogical construction of the selves of trainees as competent researchers. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 342-345
abstract: There is a widespread perception among family therapy trainees and practitioners of research as an alien activity. This perception is both damaging and unnecessary. Exercises to enhance the relationship of trainees to research were conducted in stages. Concepts of dialogically constructed selves were introduced, and exercises explored the trainees' construction of "self as a systemic therapist". The idea of an extensive repertoire of selves was proposed. During subsequent research training the fact that all trainees had successfully completed a collaborative research project was exploited. Pairs successfully conducted a dialogue in which they actively and imaginatively constructed their selves as researchers.
Dutta, Sumita & Brenda Finlay-Musonda (2007): Identifying support systems: a mapping exercise. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 346-350
abstract: Within systemic training there is an increasing focus on integrating trainees' personal life experiences and beliefs with their practice. In this paper we present a mapping exercise that is used to help trainees explore their own support needs and the resources they draw upon in order to carry out their work. Although this exercise was developed from training carried out with professionals working with refugees it is our belief that it can be used by any professional groups who wish to explore their own support needs within a learning environment.
Woodcock, Jeremy & Mark Rivett (2007): Bringing the self into family therapy training: personal and professional consultations with trainee families. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 351-354
abstract: The qualifying level of training in family therapy at Bristol University requires trainees to attend three "therapeutic consultations" with their families with a recognized systemic practitioner, to consider issues pertinent to their development as therapists. This innovation is synchronic with the course philosophy which foregrounds the training in the development of "self". Survey results on the consultations suggest that trainees report significant "news of difference" and all recommend it as a mechanism for other trainees. The consultants also affirmed the value of the sessions they have facilitated. The paper describes the practicalities of how the consultations are organized.
Lim, Soh-Leong & Pilar Hernandez (2007): Application of family therapy theory to complex social issues: using the WebQuest in family therapy training. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 355-358
abstract: This paper describes how the WebQuest is used to foster critical thinking and application of theory to complex social problems in a Master's level class on contemporary family therapy theories. The issue of child trafficking and prostitution is explored through the web-based inquiry learning where scaffold learning is provided. Scaffolding includes resource links and guidance on cognitive and social skills, which are provided to facilitate the learner's development. The WebQuest design includes the task, the process and the evaluation rubrics. Student feedback on the WebQuest was positive and included increased motivation in learning, critical thinking and global awareness.
Neden, Jeanette & John Burnham (2007): Using relational reflexivity as a resource in teaching family therapy. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 359-363
abstract: In this paper we talk about creating coherence and transparency in the relationships between teacher, model of adult learning and subject taught. We describe how we have made connections between adult learning theory and family therapy to generate resources for action in teaching on the qualifying level course at Northumbria University. Using a recent teaching session and the voices of trainees, we illustrate these connections with an example of teaching about relational reflexivity, using methods which enabled us to generate reflexive "flow" in the learning context.
Mills-Powell, Dana & Rory Worthington (2007): Space for GRRAACCEESS: some reflections on training for cultural competence. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 364-367
abstract: This article is focused on a particular exercise that helped to reinforce the learning about social difference on the Relate Institute's Systemic Practice Year 1 course. This exercise helped move students into a reflexive position in their learning. Positive outcomes were shown from course feedback, and the subsequent application of learning into written assignments.
Ali, Ramon Karamat (2007): Learning to be mindful of difference: teaching systemic skills in cross-cultural encounters. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 368-372
abstract: In this paper the author shares some of his experiences of teaching in areas of "race" and culture to mainly white middle-class family therapy and clinical psychology trainees. He presents a framework for a systemic teaching session on working interculturally. Specific exercises are described that trainers can use to design a new session or incorporate into existing ones. It is meant to increase the cultural awareness and sensitivity of trainees with limited experience of cross-cultural therapeutic work.
Neden, Jeanette (2007): Assessment and reflexivity in family therapy training. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 373-377
abstract: Educational contexts can be both enriched and impoverished by our relationship with learning and our "identity stories" as learners influence how we construct contexts for learning. Keenoy et al. (2007) describe identity as a "transient bridging concept" between the individual and society which is constructed through "reflexive processes of naming, labelling, classifying and associating symbolic artefacts and social actors in a dialogical process of social definition and redefinition". Can methods of assessment be constructed to afford reflexive, dialogical learning opportunities? This paper outlines the design and methodology of a reflexive framework for the summative assessment of abilities used on the Intermediate Level course at Northumbria University.
Nolte, Lizette (2007): White is a colour too: engaging actively with the risks, challenges and rewards of cross-cultural family therapy training and practice. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 378-388
abstract: Due to increased global mobility and displacement there is a growing cultural diversity within therapeutic encounters between therapists and clients. Literature on cross-cultural therapy traditionally focuses on the culture of clients. However, due to recent theoretical shifts in the family therapy field, the importance of including the culture of therapists in the discourse about cross-cultural therapy has been highlighted. Drawing on the experience of the author, as therapist, trainee and trainer, as well as recent developments in the literature, this paper reflects on cross-cultural training and practice within family therapy in Britain. The author argues that white is a colour too, thus challenging "white" therapists not to leave thinking about and addressing cross-cultural issues in family therapy to their colleagues "of colour", but to actively engage with the risks and uncertainties of cross-cultural learning and practice. Ways to facilitate this process are suggested. In particular a multi-dimensional approach that allows for complexity and contradiction is promoted and the potential of using the personal life experiences of therapists as a safe, non-pathologizing training tool is discussed.
Ma, Joyce L.C. (2007): Journey of acculturation: developing a therapeutic alliance with Chinese adolescents suffering from eating disorders in Shenzhen, China. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 389-402
Pentecost, David & Sue McNab (2007): Keeping company with hope and despair: family therapists' reflections and experience of working with childhood depression. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 403-419
abstract: The BIOMED international outcome study on childhood depression offered a unique opportunity for the systematic treatment of children and families with major depression using systemic psychotherapy. This paper describes the experiences of clinicians working with the families referred and the theoretical and clinical models that evolved during the treatment process. The concept of "keeping company with hope and despair" emerged as an overarching framework for thinking about the quality of the therapeutic relationship in this developing area of clinical practice. We illustrate our systemically informed interventions with case examples and discuss the role played by therapists' "use of self" in engaging and fostering change in families gripped by depression.
Reynolds, Dorothy (2007): Containment, curiosity and consultation: an exploration of theory and process in individual systemic psychotherapy with an adult survivor of trauma. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 420-437
abstract: Abstract This paper describes an individual therapy from the author's private practice. On referral, the client came to therapy requesting help with her 8-year-old daughter. Within the assessment, a single episode of trauma was revealed. Further therapeutic conversations told of multiple memories of trauma. The main therapeutic work has now ended, the contract being left that the client can continue to request appointments if she wishes. I show how systemic therapy from Post Milan and Narrative models, including practices from other orientations, has been useful and name three key practices as being crucial to the work, containment, curiosity and consultation. I suggest parallel processes operating between myself and my client as well as between the therapy and consultation. Distinct phases in the therapy recovery are identified. The discussion will consider themes of containment, curiosity and consultation.
Ziminski, Jeanne (2007): Dilemmas in kinship care: negotiating entitlements in therapy. In: Journal of Family Therapy 29(4), S. 438-453
abstract: This paper considers how ideological dilemmas that arise in therapy can be analysed usefully for therapeutic practice. The focus is on the particular situation of kinship care families where family or friends are caring for children without birth parents being present. In the process of family members negotiating the entitlement to care and to be cared for, multiple possibilities about family constructions and authorities throw up many dilemmas for therapists and families. Based on the author's research study with kinship care families, a method for linking discourse theory and therapeutic practice through the use of discourse analysis and positioning theory is explored, with reference to the hierarchical method of the Co-ordinated Management of Meaning model. The paper contends that a consideration of ideological dilemmas in conversation is a core part of any therapeutic encounter, which needs to be recognized and considered in order that those involved in therapy may reflect on several possible futures and so open up the space for future decision-making.