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Journ. of Fam.Ther.
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systemagazin Zeitschriftenarchiv: Journal of Family Therapy Heft 1/2000
1/2000 - 2/2000  - 3/2000 - 4/2000 - Übersicht

Street, Eddy (2000): Editorial. In: Journal of Family Therapy 22 (1): S. 1-2

Statement from the Editorial Board (2000): In: Journal of Family Therapy 22 (1): S. 3-5

Pilgrim, David (2000): The real problem for postmodernism. In: Journal of Family Therapy 22 (1): S. 6-23.

abstract: This essay is a critique of postmodernism and its relationship to family therapy. It is argued that the strengths of a postmodern approach (its relativism and narrative focus) are not unique but shared by traditions, modern and antiquarian, which the advocates of postmodernism now seek to displace both in the academy and the clinic. The negative baggage of accepting the emerging postmodernist orthodoxy is created, in the main, by the abandonment of a realist ontology. A variety of points are made about the relationship between postmodernism and general systems theory to highlight this point. At the end, critical or sceptical social realism is offered as a positive alternative to naive realism or postmodernism. Some notes are made in conclusion about the implications of the essay’s arguments for family therapists.

Reimers, Sigurd (2000): Therapist reflections: Triple-mindedness. In: Journal of Family Therapy 22 (1): S. 24-28

Carr, Alan (2000): Evidence-based practice in family therapy and systemic consultation Child-focused problems. In: Journal of Family Therapy 22 (1): S. 29-60.

abstract: Evidence for the effectiveness of family therapy and family-based interventions from critical literature reviews and controlled trials is considered for families with children and adolescents who present with various difficulties. The evidence supports the effectiveness of family therapy as an effective treatment either alone or as part of a multimodal or multisystemic treatment programme for child abuse and neglect, conduct problems, emotional problems and psychosomatic problems. Implications for practice, training and continuing professional development in the field of family therapy are discussed.

Larner, Glenn (2000): Towards a common ground in psychoanalysis and family therapy: on knowing not to know. In: Journal of Family Therapy 22 (1): S. 61-82.

abstract: In this paper a common ground between psychoanalysis and family therapy is discussed in terms of postmodern theorizing in both disciplines. Recent systemic, narrative or social constructionist thinking in psychoanalysis and a psychoanalytic turn in family therapy offers the possibility of a shared epistemology. This is described in terms of a critical not-knowing stance which allows for the therapist’s/analyst’s contribution of meaning, interpretation and knowledge in therapeutic conversation. Here the holding of not knowing and knowing together provides a narrative container for personal meaning and thinking to develop. This ‘knowing not to know’ is what a postmodern psychoanalysis has in common with family therapy: both are ways of being with persons to help them develop and hold their own knowing. This therapeutic process is illustrated in a clinical vignette of narrative child family therapy. For what one knows does not belong to oneself. (Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past, p. 898)

Bertrando, Paolo (2000): Text and context: narrative, postmodernism and cybernetics. In: Journal of Family Therapy 22 (1): S. 83-103.

abstract: Currently, the systemic view in family therapy is being substituted by a postmodern narrative approach, while cybernetics tends to be considered an outdated perspective and its contribution to therapy overlooked. This paper proposes an epigenetic view for the evolution of theories, according to which a narrative therapy without systems is incomplete. The paper lists the implicit and explicit prescriptions to which a postmodern narrative therapist is subjected, and reviews some criticisms of the systemic perspective made by postmodern authors. Some internal inconsistencies of postmodern narrative therapies are considered, and some ways forward suggested.

Stahmann, Robert F. (2000): Premarital counselling: a focus for family therapy. In: Journal of Family Therapy 22 (1): S. 104-116.

abstract: Premarital counselling has not been identified as an area of practice in recent surveys of family therapists. Yet this preventive approach is an area that is receiving much attention worldwide as some governmental units are requiring premarital counselling as a means to reduce divorce and strengthen families. A descriptive overview of premarital counselling rationale, process, content and effectiveness is presented and the possible role of family therapists offering this service is discussed.

Abstracts. In: Journal of Family Therapy 22 (1): S. 117-120.

abstract: Articles abstracted: Hetherington, E. M. and Stanley-Hagan, M. (1999) The adjustment of children with divorced parents: a risk and resiliency perspective. Journal ofChild Psychology and Psychiatry, 40: 129-140. Webster-Stratton, C. and Hammond, M. (1999) Marital conflict managementskills, parenting style, and early-onset conduct problems: processesand pathways. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 40: 917-928. Shaw, D. S., Winslow, E. B. and Flanagan, C. (1999) A prospective study ofthe effects of marital status and family relations on young children’s adjustment among African American and European American Families. ChildDevelopment, 70: 742-755. Lindahl, K. M. and Malik, N. M. (1999) Marital conflict, family process,and boys’ externalising behaviour in Hispanic American and EuropeanAmerican families. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 28: 12-24. Hart, C. H., Nelson, D. A., Robinson, C. C., Olsen, S. F. and McNeilly-Choque, M. K. (1998) Overt and relational aggression in Russian nursery-school-age children: parenting style and marital linkages. DevelopmentPsychology, 34: 687-697. Shek, D. T. (1999) Parenting characteristics and adolescent psychologicalwell-being: a longitudinal study in a Chinese context. Genetic, Social andGeneral Psychology Monographs, 125: 27-44.

Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons

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