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Family Process Heft 2/2012
1/2012 - 2/2012 - 3/2012 - 4/2012 - Überblick
Lebow, Jay l. (2012): Common Factors, Shared Themes, and Resilience in Families and Family Therapy. In: Family Process 51 (2): S. 159-162
Hernandez-Wolfe, Pilar & Teresa McDowell (2012): Speaking of Privilege: Family Therapy Educators‘ Journeys toward Awareness and Compassionate Action. In: Family Process 51 (2): S. 163-178.
abstract: This study explores how family therapy educators from privileged social locations understand issues of privilege and the process by which they integrate their personal and professional journeys to create and model equity in family therapy training and professional development. These educators developed awareness about issues of privilege and oppression and owned their privilege. Increased awareness involved personal struggles with guilt and managing internalized voices of prejudice that are constantly reinforced in society. These educators adopted a stance of action and accountability for equity. We hypothesize that the process leading to owning one‘s privilege involves the ability to be compassionate for others‘ suffering and one‘s own limitations.
Hunter, Sally V. (2012): Walking in Sacred Spaces in the Therapeutic Bond: Therapists‘ Experiences of Compassion Satisfaction Coupled with the Potential for Vicarious Traumatization. In: Family Process 51 (2): S. 179-192.
abstract: The therapeutic bond is at the heart of effective therapy, yet few studies have examined therapists‘ experience of this bond. Using a qualitative study design, this exploratory study examines the experiences of couple and family therapists in relation to their perceptions of the satisfactions and risks involved in the therapeutic bond. The research was conducted using grounded theory methodology and eight in-depth interviews were conducted with therapists working in five counseling agencies in Sydney, Australia. Therapists described the importance of the 3 component parts of the therapeutic bond: the empathic connection between therapist and client; the role investment of the client; and the mutual affirmation experienced by both therapist and client in the therapeutic process. Walking in sacred spaces with the client was seen as both enriching and challenging for the therapist. The therapeutic bond gave therapists intense satisfaction and posed risks for them, especially when working with traumatic client experiences. However, the findings suggest that the experience of compassion satisfaction and the development of vicarious resilience counter-balanced the intense difficulty of bearing witness to clients‘ traumatic experiences and the potential for vicarious traumatization. The implications for sustaining couple and family therapists in their work are discussed.
Ungar, Michael, Linda Liebenberg, Nicole Landry & Janice Ikeda (2012): Caregivers, Young People with Complex Needs, and Multiple Service Providers: A Study of Triangulated Relationships. In: Family Process 51 (2): S. 193-206.
abstract: Five patterns of service provider-caregiver-adolescent interaction are discussed using qualitative interviews and file review data from 44 youth with complex needs who were clients of more than one psychosocial service (child welfare, mental health, addictions, juvenile justice, and special education). Findings show that young people and their families become triangulated with service providers, either engaging with, or resisting, interventions. For young people with complex needs involved with multiple service providers, both positive and negative patterns of interaction contribute to the complexity of caregiver-child interactions. According to young people themselves, the most functional of these patterns, empowerment, was experienced as protective when it helped them to meet their personal needs and enhance communication. In contrast, four problematic patterns produced triangulations described as conflictual or unsupportive. The implications of these patterns for family therapy are discussed with an emphasis on the therapist as both clinician and advocate for better services from multiple providers.
Cleek, Elizabeth N., Matt Wofsy, Nancy Boyd-Franklin, Brian Mundy & Tamika J. Howell (2012): The Family Empowerment Program: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Working with Multi-Stressed Urban Families. In: Family Process 51 (2): S. 207-217.
abstract: The family empowerment program (FEP) is a multi-systemic family therapy program that partners multi-stressed families with an interdisciplinary resource team while remaining attached to a „traditional“ mental health clinic. The rationale for this model is that far too often, families presenting at community mental health centers struggle with multiple psychosocial forces, for example problems with housing, domestic violence, child care, entitlements, racism, substance abuse, and foster care, as well as chronic medical and psychiatric illnesses, that exacerbate symptoms and impact traditional service delivery and access to effective treatment. Thus, families often experience fragmented care and are involved with multiple systems with contradictory and competing agendas. As a result, services frequently fail to harness the family‘s inherent strengths. The FEP partners the family with a unified team that includes representatives from Entitlements Services, Family Support and Parent Advocacy, and Clinical Staff from the agency‘s Outpatient Mental Health Clinic practicing from a strength-based family therapy perspective. The goal of the FEP is to support the family in achieving their goals. This is accomplished through co-construction of a service plan that addresses the family‘s needs in an efficient and coherent manner - emphasizing family strengths and competencies and supporting family self-sufficiency.
Sotomayor-Peterson, Marcela, Aurelio J. Figueredo, Donna H. Christensen & Angela R. Taylor (2012): Couples‘ Cultural Values, Shared Parenting, and Family Emotional Climate Within Mexican American Families. In: Family Process 51 (2): S. 218-233.
abstract: This study tested a model of shared parenting as its centerpiece that incorporates cultural values as predictors and family emotional climate as the outcome variable of interest. We aimed to assess the predictive power of the Mexican cultural values of familismo and simpatia over couples‘ shared parenting practices. We anticipated that higher levels of shared parenting would predict family emotional climate. The participants were 61 Mexican American, low income couples, with at least one child between 3 and 4 years of age, recruited from a home-based Head Start program. The predictive model demonstrated excellent goodness of fit, supporting the hypothesis that a positive emotional climate within the family is fostered when Mexican American couples practice a sufficient level of shared parenting. Empirical evidence was previously scarce on this proposition. The findings also provide evidence for the role of cultural values, highlighting the importance of family solidarity and avoidance of confrontation as a pathway to shared parenting within Mexican American couples.
Eyre, Stephen L., Michelle Flythe, Valerie Hoffman & Ashley E. Fraser (2012): Primary Relationship Scripts Among Lower-income, African American Young Adults. In: Family Process 51 (2): S. 234-249.
abstract: Research on romantic relationships among lower income, African American young adults has mostly focused on problem behaviors, and has infrequently documented nonpathological relationship processes that are widely studied among middle-class college students, their wealthier and largely European American counterparts [Journal of Black Studies 39 (2009) 570]. To identify nonpathological cultural concepts related to heterosexual romantic relationships, we interviewed 144 low to low-mid income, African American young adults aged 19-22 from the San Francisco Bay Area, CA, metropolitan Chicago, IL, and Greater Birmingham, AL. We identified 12 gender-shared scripts related to the romantic relationship in areas of (1) defining the relationship, (2) processes of joining, (3) maintaining balance, and (4) modulating conflict. Understanding romantic relationship scripts is important as successful romantic relationships are associated with improved mental and physical health among lower income individuals as compared with individuals without romantic partners [Social Science & Medicine 52 (2001) 1501].
Solomon, Alexandra H. & Beth Chung (2012): Understanding Autism: How Family Therapists Can Support Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. In: Family Process 51 (2): S. 250-264.
abstract: The number of children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder has increased dramatically in the last 20 years. Parents of children with autism experience a variety of chronic and acute stressors that can erode marital satisfaction and family functioning. Family therapists are well-suited to help parents stay connected to each other as they create a „new normal.“ However, family therapists need updated information about autism, and they need to understand how family therapy can help parents of children with autism. Because having a child with autism affects multiple domains of family life, this paper explores how family therapists can utilize an integrative approach with parents, enabling them to flexibly work with the domains of action, meaning, and emotion.
Levy-Frank, Itamar, Ilanit Hasson-Ohayon, Shlomo Kravetz & David Roe (2012): A Narrative Evaluation of a Psychoeducation and a Therapeutic Alliance Intervention for Parents of Persons with a Severe Mental Illness. In: Family Process 51 (2): S. 265-280.
abstract: Most attempts to study the impact of psychosocial interventions on parents of persons with severe mental illness (SMI) are quantitative. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the subjective experience of parents of persons with SMI who participated in either a psychoeducational intervention which emphasized providing information on the illness and support, or a therapeutic alliance focused intervention (TAFI) which emphasized the alliance between the group members and group leaders. Ninety-three parents, who participated in either one of these two interventions, were interviewed using the Narrative Evaluation of Intervention Interview. Results show that participants found both interventions to be beneficial with no statistical differences in the level of perceived change. Themes describing change in relating to illness were significantly more frequently mentioned by participants in the TAFI group, whereas significantly more participants in the family psychoeducation interventions reported that implementation and information provided contributed to positive change. Also participants in the TAFI reported significantly more often that group regulation contributed to change. As both interventions were perceived as contributing, the findings support the relationship orientation to psychosocial interventions, which stresses the quality of the social support and interpersonal interaction as the source of positive outcomes of intervention.