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Family Process Heft 4/2010
1/2010 - 2/2010 - 3/2010 - 4/2010 - Überblick
Imber-Black, Evan (2010): Anticipating the 50th Year of Family Process: New Initiatives. In: Family Process 49 (4): S. 437-438
Ruff, Saralyn, Jennifer L. Mccomb, Casey J. Coker & Douglas H. Sprenkle(2010): Behavioral Couples Therapy for the Treatment of Substance Abuse: A Substantive and Methodological Review of O'Farrell, Fals-Stewart, and Colleagues' Program of Research. In: Family Process 49 (4): S. 439-456.
abstract: Behavioral couples therapy (BCT) is an evidence-based couple therapy intervention for married or cohabitating substance abusers and their partners. This paper provides readers with a substantive and methodological review of Fals-Stewart, O'Farrell, and colleagues' program of research on BCT. The 23 studies included in this review provide support for the efficacy of BCT for improving substance use behavior, dyadic adjustment, child psychosocial outcomes, and reducing partner violence. This review includes a description of BCT, summaries of primary and secondary outcomes, highlights methodological strengths and weaknesses, notes barriers to dissemination, suggests future research directions, and provides clinical implications for couple and family therapists. Although there are several versions of BCT developed for the treatment of substance abuse this paper focuses on the version developed by O'Farrell, Fals-Stewart, and colleagues.
von Sydow, Kirsten, Stefan Beher, Jochen Schweitzer & Rüdiger Retzlaff (2010): The Efficacy of Systemic Therapy With Adult Patients: A Meta-Content Analysis of 38 Randomized Controlled Trials. In: Family Process 49 (4): S. 457-485.
abstract: Systemic therapy is a widely used psychotherapy approach. Yet there exist few systematic reviews on its efficacy. A meta-content analysis was performed to analyze the efficacy of systemic therapy for the treatment of mental disorders in adulthood. All randomized (or matched) controlled trials (RCT) evaluating systemic/systems oriented therapy in various settings (family, couple, individual, group, multifamily group therapy) with adult index patients suffering from mental disorders were identified by database searches and cross-references in other reviews. Inclusion criteria were: index patient diagnosed with a DSM or ICD listed mental disorder, trial published in any language up to the end of 2008. The RCTs were content analyzed according to their research methodology, interventions applied, and results. Thirty-eight trials published in English, German, Spanish, and Chinese were identified, 34 of them showing systemic therapy to be efficacious for the treatment of mood disorders, eating disorders, substance use disorders, mental and social factors related to medical conditions and physical disorders, and schizophrenia. Systemic therapy may also be efficacious for anxiety disorders. Results were stable across follow-up periods of up to 5 years. There is a sound evidence-base for the efficacy of systemic therapy for adult index patients with mental disorders in at least five diagnostic groups.
Scheinkman, Michele & Denise Werneck (2010): Disarming Jealousy in Couples Relationships: A Multidimensional Approach. In: Family Process 49 (4): S. 486-502.
abstract: Jealousy is a powerful emotional force in couples' relationships. In just seconds it can turn love into rage and tenderness into acts of control, intimidation, and even suicide or murder. Yet it has been surprisingly neglected in the couples therapy field. In this paper we define jealousy broadly as a hub of contradictory feelings, thoughts, beliefs, actions, and reactions, and consider how it can range from a normative predicament to extreme obsessive manifestations. We ground jealousy in couples' basic relational tasks and utilize the construct of the vulnerability cycle to describe processes of derailment. We offer guidelines on how to contain the couple's escalation, disarm their ineffective strategies and power struggles, identify underlying vulnerabilities and yearnings, and distinguish meanings that belong to the present from those that belong to the past, or to other contexts. The goal is to facilitate relational and personal changes that can yield a better fit between the partners' expectations.
Skerrett, Karen (2010): "Good Enough Stories": Helping Couples Invest in One Another's Growth. In: Family Process 49 (4): S. 503-516.
abstract: This article utilizes key constructs of the narrative metaphor: that stories organize, structure, and give meaning to events in our lives. When stories are used as a way to understand the lives of couples, they have the potential for enhancing individual and relational growth. It is proposed that knowing both our own and our partner's story and development goals increases the likelihood of making an investment in self/other and relational growth. It is further suggested that helping couples develop narratives with a sense of "We" promotes a more generative perspective. These ideas were developed in a small qualitative pilot study with long-married, middle-class, heterosexual couples, which suggested that the synthesis of each partner's life story into a couple story promoted individual and relational development. Implications for therapeutic work with couples are presented as well as specific recommendations for ways to utilize the life story approach as an aspect of treatment. It is intended to assist clinicians and teachers in translating narrative ideas into therapeutic work with couples.
Brincks, Ahnalee M., Daniel J. Feaster & Victoria B. Mitrani (2010): A Multilevel Mediation Model of Stress and Coping for Women with HIV and Their Families. In: Family Process 49 (4): S. 517-529.
abstract: Families are influential systems and may be an important context in which to consider the stress and coping process. To date, many studies have focused on modeling the stress and coping process for the individual, isolated from the family. The purpose of this secondary analysis was to investigate a cross-sectional stress and coping model for HIV-positive African-American mothers recruited from HIV service facilities in South Florida (n=214) and their family members (n=294). Avoidance coping was hypothesized to mediate the relationship between stress and psychological distress. In addition, the family average of individual stress was hypothesized to moderate the relationship between avoidance coping and psychological distress. For all constructs, individuals reported on themselves and multilevel modeling techniques were used to account for similarities between members of the same family. The estimated mediation effect was significant. Aggregated family stress significantly moderated the relationship between avoidance coping and psychological distress. This study suggests that individuals exhibit different relationships between avoidance coping and psychological outcomes and that average stress reported by members of a family moderates the relationship between avoidance coping and psychological distress.
Linares, Lourdes Oriana, Jennifer Rhodes & Daniela Montalto (2010): Perceptions of Coparenting in Foster Care. In: Family Process 49 (4): S. 530-542.
abstract: Although literature supports the association between harmonious coparenting practices and lowered child problems, little is known about coparenting influences among family constellations in the foster care system. Via a compilation of a new coparenting practices measure, we examined similarities and differences on foster parent-derived perceptions of support/flexibility, shared communication, conflict/triangulation, and total coparenting between foster and biological parents and their independent contribution to child internalizing and externalizing problems. Self-reports were gathered from foster parents (N=80) in 2 groups: kin and nonkin. As compared with nonkin, kin foster parents reported higher perceived support/flexibility, shared communication, and total coparenting. A tendency for higher conflict/triangulation among kin foster parents was also found. After considering foster parent group, psychological distress, and harsh discipline, hierarchical regression analyses revealed that perceived total coparenting and conflict/triangulation contributed to child internalizing and externalizing problems. Results support the linkage between perceptions of coparenting and child problems among caregivers (foster and biological alike) in kin and nonkin arrangements and highlight training in coparenting in general, and conflict management in particular, as an important intervention focus to reduce the high level of child problems in this vulnerable population.
Bava, Saliha, Ellen Pulleyblank Coffey, Kaethe Weingarten & Carol Becker (2010): Lessons in Collaboration, Four Years Post-Katrina. In: Family Process 49 (4): S. 543-558.
abstract: Four action researchers present a case study of a project conducted by members of a national family therapy organization and members of a local family therapy institute, which describes their efforts to collaborate with local disaster recovery workers 2 years after Hurricane Katrina. The aim of the collaboration was to create a local action research team to study best practices that strengthen resilience after disaster. The authors discuss choice points and dilemmas faced in finding collaborative partners and in clarifying what constitutes an invitation to work in a community. The case study illuminates tensions and understandings between outsiders and a community still facing the long-term effects of a disaster.
Bos, Henny & Nanette Gartrell (2010): Adolescents of the USA National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study: Can Family Characteristics Counteract the Negative Effects of Stigmatization? In: Family Process 49 (4): S. 559-572.
abstract: This investigation examines the impact of homophobic stigmatization on the well-being of 17-year-old adolescents who were conceived through donor insemination and whose mothers enrolled before they were born in the largest, longest-running, prospective study of lesbian families, with a 93% retention rate to date. The data for the current report were collected through questionnaires completed by the adolescents and their mothers. The adolescents (39 girls and 39 boys) were queried about family connection and compatibility. They were also asked to indicate if they had experienced discrimination based on their mothers' sexual orientation. Adolescent well-being was assessed through the parental report of the Child Behavior Checklist/6'Äì18. Forty-one percent of the adolescents had experienced stigmatization based on homophobia. Hierarchical, multiple-regression analyses revealed that stigmatization was associated with more problem behavior in these adolescents, but that family compatibility neutralized this negative influence. The results indicate that adolescents who have close, positive relationships with their lesbian mothers demonstrate resilience in response to stigmatization.