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Family Process
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Family Process Heft 1/2006
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Imber-Black, Evan (2006): The Artful Science of Systemic Research. In: Family Process 45(1), S. 1-2

Fivaz-Depeursinge, Elisabeth & Nicolas Favez (2006): Exploring Triangulation in Infancy: Two Contrasted Cases. In: Family Process 45(1), S. 3-18.

abstract: Two contrasted father-mother-infant interactions are observed longitudinally during trilogue play. They illustrate the contribution of recent research to the exploration of triangulation in infancy: namely, the infant's capacity to handle triangular interactions and share her affects with her two parents, and the way that this capacity is recruited in functional versus problematic alliances. It is likely that an infant under stress when interacting with one parent will protest at that parent and also at the other. Such is the case when, for example, the father acts intrusively while playing with his baby. The infant is then driven to avert and turns to the mother. The regulation of this dyadic intrusion-avoidance pattern at family level depends on the family alliance. When coparenting is supportive, the mother validates the infant's bid for help without interfering with the father. Thus, the problematic pattern is contained in the dyad, and the infant's triangular capacities remain in the service of her own developmental goals. But when coparenting is hostile-competitive, the mother ignores the infant's bid or engages with her in a way that interferes with her play with her father. In this case, the infant's triangular capacities are used to relieve the tension between the parents. The importance of tracing family process back to infancy for family therapy is discussed.

Shawn Matta, Dana & Carmen Knudson-Martin (2006): Father Responsivity: Couple Processes and the Coconstruction of Fatherhood. In: Family Process 45(1), S. 19-37.

abstract: Forty in-depth interviews of heterosexual parents of children 5 five years of age and younger are analyzed using a qualitative grounded theory approach to understand how couples coproduce fatherhood within their day-to-day relationships and in social, cultural, and economic contexts. The analysis identifies the construct "responsivity" as a central process through which, to varying degrees, fathers are aware of the needs of their wives and children and able to take an active part in meeting them. Three groups of fathers are examined according to their level of responsivity: low, moderate, and high. Factors influencing degree of father responsivity include gender constructions, power and the wife's influence, attunement, work schedules, and emotional tradeoffs. Implications for practice are suggested.

Bohanek, Jennifer G., Kelly A. Marin, Robyn Fivush & Marshall P. Duke (2006): Family Narrative Interaction and Children's Sense of Self. In: Family Process 45(1), S. 39-54.

abstract: Family narratives about the shared past may be a particularly significant site for preadolescents' emerging sense of self both as an individual and as a member of a unified family. We examined the relations between family narrative interaction style when reminiscing and preadolescents' sense of self. Results indicated three narrative interaction styles that describe the extent to which families discuss or fail to discuss their past in integrated and validating ways. Specifically, conversations with a coordinated perspective incorporated information from all members and were related to higher self-esteem, especially in girls. Conversations with an individual perspective, in which family members took turns telling their thoughts and feelings about the event without integration among the perspectives, were associated with a more external locus of control, especially in boys. Conversations with an imposed perspective, in which one family member was in charge of the conversation or in which unpleasant exchanges between members occurred, were not associated with either self-esteem or locus of control. Implications of these narrative interaction styles for children's developing sense of self are discussed.

Levy, Joshua (2006): Using a Metaperspective to Clarify the Structural-Narrative Debate in Family Therapy. In: Family Process 45(1), S. 55-73.

abstract: The debate in family therapy between structural and narrative therapists often seems irreconcilable. Drawing from work in theoretical sociology that identifies the basic structure of existing social theory, a metaperspective is introduced to clarify a discussion between leading figures in the debate. Disparate views of family interactions are examined in terms of more fundamental disagreements about the center of attention in therapy. Narrative and structural modes of presentation are examined as separate traditions that could not be further apart conceptually. Efforts to identify common ground are discussed in terms of more significant differences that are minimized by drawing out similarities. This analysis provides a framework for standing outside entrenched arguments to see more clearly the unique contributions of each approach.

Pasch, Lauri A., Julianna Deardorff, Jeanne M. Tschann, Elena Flores, Carlos Penilla & Philip Pantoja (2006): Acculturation, Parent-Adolescent Conflict, and Adolescent Adjustment in Mexican American Families. In: Family Process 45(1), S. 75-86.

abstract: We tested an acculturation model in a community sample of Mexican American families (146 mothers, 137 fathers, and 146 adolescents) that proposed that differences between parents and adolescents in acculturation would be associated with parent-adolescent conflict and adolescent adjustment problems. Contrary to hypotheses, we found that families who exhibited an acculturation gap were not more likely to report parent-adolescent conflict or adolescent adjustment problems. In fact, familial conflict and adolescent sexual experience were associated with high levels of acculturation among adolescents and their parents. Pending replication, these findings suggest that both parent and children acculturation may independently predict familial processes and youth outcomes, irrespective of an acculturation gap. Future research should consider other factors aside from acculturation differences that might account for parent-adolescent conflict and adolescent adjustment in Mexican American families.

Domenech Rodriguez, Melanie, Jesús Rodriguez & Melissa Davis (2006): Recruitment of First-Generation Latinos in a Rural Community: The Essential Nature of Personal Contact. In: Family Process 45(1), S. 87-100.

abstract: The purpose of this article is to report on the success of various recruitment activities for a behavioral observation study with Spanish-speaking Latino families in a rural community in the western United States. Recruitment activities are pivotal to research to research because the enormous impact to the quality of the sample and, thus, the quality of the answers to the questions posed by the research. Recruitment can be especially challenging for researchers working with ethnic minorities due to a historical legacy of mistreatment by researchers that has led to healthy reticence to participate in research investigations. The present research presented unique challenges in that the data collection (1) took place in a rural community, (2) sought participation of a recent immigrant population, and (3) required videotaping. Data were collected from 50 families in a western rural community. After multiple recruitment strategies were used, the research team learned that word of mouth and use of existing community resources were the most powerful recruitment strategies. However, participant reports suggest that the other recruitment strategies helped familiarize participants with the study and potentially strengthened the influence of word of mouth referrals. Important differences were found between the easy-to-recruit and the hard-to-recruit samples within this study that support engagement in multiple recruitment strategies.

Linares, Juan Luis (2006): Complex Love as Relational Nurturing: An Integrating Ultramodern Concept. In: Family Process 45(1), S. 101-115.

abstract: This article is based on the description of therapy with a family in which three members had been given a serious psychiatric diagnosis: a schizophrenic disorder, a borderline personality disorder, and an antisocial personality disorder. The underlying hypothesis was that these disorders were related to the specific ways in which the obstruction of relational nurturing had influenced the turbulent history of the family. The therapy aimed to reopen channels of nurturing behavior, promoting a reparative attitude on the part of the father that could be extended and developed throughout the relational network. This entailed working with concepts such as "reconfirmation" and the "relational incubator." The idea that the relational roots of psychopathology (which do not deny the importance of biological bases) are to be found in the obstruction of love by power is proposed as an ultramodern premise capable of integrating both modernist and postmodern concepts and sensibilities.

Grunebaum, Henry (2006): On Wisdom. In: Family Process 45(1), S. 117-132.

abstract: This article explores some of the features involved in making wise decisions in couples and family therapy. Delineating what qualities are involved in making wise decisions in life-so as to live the "good life" in the polis, and the necessary contributions of life experiences in this task-was first discussed by Aristotle. A major problem that therapists face today is that our society offers many different ways of living well-or for that matter, badly-and our theories do the same. Family therapy theories are not value free. I clarify that different family theories embody different values: clear boundaries, good attachments, the ability to communicate, and so on. If our theories foster certain values, then, as Isaiah Berlin has made clear, seeking to achieve a particular value leads to placing less value on another. The article concludes with some thoughts about values that therapists could appropriately follow in their work.

Arnkil, Tom Erik (2006): Commentary: On Wisdom. In: Family Process 45(1), S. 133-137

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